
Women’s Studies Minor

Jennifer McKinney, PhD, Director


As an institution that centers its mission in the historical Christian faith, ɬ﷬ affirms that women are created in God’s image, redeemed by Christ, and called to lives of scholarship, service, and leadership.

  • A minimum 30 credits are required for this minor, including 15 upper-division credits.
  • WST 2350 Introduction to Women’s Studies, WST 4940 Internship and WST 4960 Independent Project are this minor’s Core courses.
  • You will choose 20–24 credits of electives.
  • Because of its adaptability, this minor can easily complement majors in areas such as Sociology, Psychology, Theology, History, Communication, English, Languages, Cultures & Linguistics, Political Science, Family and Consumer Sciences, and Business.
  • This minor welcomes both male and female students to pursue it.
  • You will develop an understanding of the social construction of gender in historical, contemporary, Western, and global contexts. 
  • This minor teaches you skills of critical analysis, problem solving, and value reasoning.
  • To apply for this minor, you must be a minimum sophomore standing.
  • Have a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA in all work applicable to your degree.
  • Have achieved a minimum “C-” in WST/SOC 2350 Introduction to Women’s Studies.
  • Apply to this minor using the online .
  • You must complete the minor requirements in effect when you are admitted to the minor.

Apply to the minor

  • Apply to the minors using the online . 
  • With the help of your minor advisor, you should create a plan that includes the combination of elective courses that will best prepare you to achieve your career and life goals.
  • You must complete the minor requirements in effect when you are admitted to the minor.

Time Schedule 

  • Criminal Justice courses

Course planning

help you complete your degree in a timely manner.