


Majoring in Sociology allows you to do a systematic study of societies, groups, and human interaction. SPU graduates have obtained graduate degrees in sociology, and gone on to practice law, go into social work and counseling, and enter social policy fields.

  • A minimum 53 credits are required for this major, including 25 upper-division credits.
  • Acceptance into this major requires at least a 2.5 GPA in sociology courses at SPU, as well as a minimum 15 credits of completed sociology courses at SPU.
  • A maximum 10 credits of SOC 4949 Internship in Sociology can apply toward the major.
  • If you are already majoring in another discipline, this major can be a good second major to complement it.
  • This major prepares you to apply sociological perspectives critically to social institutions and problems, and learn the skills of research design, data collection, and data analysis.
Degrees Offered
  • Sociology (major, minor)

Sociology (BA)

Sociology and Anthropology minors



  • A minimum 30 credits are required, including 15 upper-division credits for the Sociology and Anthropology minors.
  • Each minor requires a 2.5 GPA at SPU.
  • SOC 4940 Internship in Sociology does not apply toward the Sociology minor.

Apply to the major or minor

  • Apply to the majors or minors using the online . 
  • You are strongly encouraged to take the core sociology and urban studies courses in sequence: Introduction, Statistics, Methods, Theory, and then Capstone.
  • With the help of your major advisor, create a plan including the combination of elective courses that will best prepare you to achieve your career and life goals.
  • You must complete the major or minor requirements in effect when you are admitted to the major or minor.

Sociology Department

Visit the Sociology website to read more about how a degree from this department can help you achieve your goals and make a difference in the world.

Time Schedule 

  • Criminal Justice courses

Course planning

help you complete your degree in a timely manner.