
Criminal Justice

Program Offered
  • Criminal Justice (major)

Sociology Faculty

The interdisciplinary curriculum for this major examines criminology, crime data analysis and mapping, and the contexts in which crime is rooted, or conversely, communities flourish.

With a degree in Criminal Justice, you’ll graduate with an understanding of criminal behavior and the procedures and institutions within the criminal justice system. You'll see the links among the criminal justice system and criminal behavior and larger social forces. You will understand alternative approaches to address crime and related social problems and how to apply Christian values and ethical principles to criminal justice practices.

Criminal Justice (BA)


This major provides the academic foundation for a career in law enforcement, social work, mental health services, or corrections, as well as graduate work in criminology, sociology, social work, or law.

  • A minimum 68 credits are required for this major, including at least 30 upper-division credits.
  • Acceptance into this major requires at least a 2.5 GPA in the Criminal Justice curriculum at SPU, as well as a minimum 15 credits of completed Criminal Justice courses at SPU.
  • A maximum 10 credits of URB 4940 “Internship in Criminal Justice” can apply to this major.

Apply to the major

  • Apply to the major using the online .
  • Required core courses include CRIM 2350 Introduction to Statistics in Social and Behavioral Sciences, CRIM 311 Policing and Communities, and CRIM 3360 Mapping Crime: Geographic Information.
  • With the help of your major advisor, you should create a plan that includes the combination of elective courses that will best prepare you to achieve your career and life goals.
  • You must complete the major requirements in effect when you are admitted to the major or minor.

Time Schedule 

  • Criminal Justice courses

Course planning

help you complete your degree in a timely manner.

Sociology Department

Visit the Sociology website to read more about how a degree from this department can help you achieve your goals and make a difference in the world.