

Programs offered
  • English (major, minor, and concentrations)

As an English major or minor, you will encounter some of life’s fundamental questions about the human condition. You will think about the truth-telling possibilities of story, cultivating an understanding of the word as God’s uniquely human gift.

You will think, read, and write extensively in an English academic program marked by a strong degree of community both inside and outside the classroom. You will read texts including Beowulf, Shakespeare, and traditional great works of the Western canon as well as emerging voices worldwide.

And because the study of English also rests on the rigorous tools of critical thinking and textual interpretation, you will find an English major or minor is excellent preparation for life beyond the university as well.

Find out more about this program’s mission, vision, and learning outcomes.

English (BA)

  • A minimum 61–64 credits are required for this major, including 30 upper-division credits.
  • In either the Literature or Creative Writing Concentration, you must complete a shared core of courses that ground your understanding of literary history and the interpretive tools of our discipline.
  • Each concentration has a second core requirement emphasizing craft and methodology.
  • If you choose both the Literature and Creative Writing concentrations, the core English major courses may count toward both concentrations, but no more than 10 other English credits may be counted twice.
  • After you matriculate at SPU, no more than 10 credits earned through another university, domestically or abroad, may be applied to the English major.  Students with extenuating circumstances may petition this restriction.

English minors

  • A minimum 30–33 credits are required for these minors, including 15 upper-division credits.
  • Three minors are available: Creative Writing, Literature, and Professional Writing.
  • Each minor includes Core courses as well as electives.
  • If you are an English major, no more than 10 English credits may be counted toward both the major and the minor.

Apply to the major or minor

  • Apply for a major or minor using the online .
  • To qualify for admission to the major, you should have successfully completed at least 10 credits of work in English at SPU with a minimum 2.5 GPA. At least five of those credits must come from one of these Core major courses: ENG 2225, 2251, 2252, or 2253.
  • To qualify for admission to the minor, you must have an average GPA of 2.5 or higher in at least two SPU English courses.
  • The English and Cultural Studies Department chair must approve your application.
  • You must complete the major or minor requirements in effect in the SPU Undergraduate Catalog for the year of admittance to the major or minor.

Future teachers

Certification with elementary education endorsement

If you plan to teach in an elementary school and are interested in English or Language Arts, you must major in Integrated Studies with a concentration in Language Arts and complete the Teacher Certification program through the School of Education. The faculty advisor for the Language Arts concentration is Dr. Middeljans Alternatively, you may pursue your certification as a post-baccalaureate or graduate student.

    Certification with secondary education endorsement

    If you plan to teach English in a middle or high school, you should major in English and complete the Teacher Certification program through the School of Education. Alternatively, you may pursue your certification as a post-baccalaureate or graduate student.

    Study abroad opportunities

    Scotland and Ireland Seminar

    This SPU Global Seminar, taught by Dr. Chaney, is a biennial study abroad program offering you an opportunity to study literature and culture in Edinburgh and Dublin during the month of September (prior to Autumn Quarter).

    South Africa Seminar

    This SPU Global Seminar, taught by Dr. Segall, is a biennial study abroad program offering you an opportunity to study literature and culture in South Africa during the month of September (prior to Autumn Quarter).

    Literature and Creative Writing in Rome

    This biennial summer program, taught by Dr. Maier, offers you the opportunity to study literature and creative writing while staying in the Eternal City of Rome for a month. 

    Spain and Morocco Seminar

    This SPU Global Seminar, taught by Dr. Segall, is a biennial study abroad program offering you an opportunity to study literature and culture during the month of September (prior to Autumn Quarter) while making the transnational journey from Granada in Moorish Spain to Fes in Morocco.

    For details about all study abroad opportunities, visit SPU’s  pages.

    Internships at Image

    Image: A Journal of the Arts and Religion is an award-winning literary journal headquartered in the SPU . If you’re an English major, you can on its editorial staff.

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    English and Cultural Studies Department

    Visit the to see how a degree from this department can help you achieve your goals and make a difference in the world.

    Time Schedule: English

    Course planning

    help you complete your degree in a timely manner.

    SPU students on campus


    Lingua is SPU’s student literary magazine. Under the direction of a faculty advisor, you can help design, contribute to, edit, and publish the magazine.