Cambridge International Program (CIP)
A-level Exams
How Cambridge International Program (CIP) exams transfer
If you are interested in receiving credit for CIP A-level exams, you should have an official score report sent to at SPU. The chart below indicates how Cambridge International Program (CIP) A-level exam grades presented on an official score report are accepted at SPU. The letters in parentheses indicate the grade(s) that will result in credit for a given exam. No grade below C will result in credit.
SPU does not award credit for either O-level or AS-level exams.
If you believe an exam for which you receive SPU credit also may fulfill major requirements, contact the appropriate department for a review.
CIP exam subject |
Credits |
Exploratory Curriculum |
SPU acceptance |
Accounting |
10 (for A, B, or C) |
None |
ACCT 2361 and 2362 |
Art and Design |
5 (for A, B, or C) |
ART 1180 |
Biology |
5 (for A) |
WKFS** |
Elective |
Business Studies |
5 (for A, B, or C) |
None |
BUS 2000 (no WE) |
Chemistry |
5 (for A or B) |
WKFS** |
CHM 1211 |
Computer Science |
5 (for A, B, or C) |
CSC 1010 |
Economics |
10 (for A)
ECN 2101 and 2102 |
10 (for B or C) |
Elective |
10 (for A or B)
None |
Elective |
English Literature |
10 (for A, B, or C) |
Humanities |
Geography |
5 (for A, B, or C) |
Elective |
History |
10 (for A, B, or C) |
History elective |
Mathematics (US) |
15 (for A or B) |
MAT 1110, 1221, and 5 cr MAT lower-division elective
Mathematics - Further |
8 (for A or B) |
MAT 2401 and MAT 2360
15 (for A, B, or C) |
WKFS** |
PHY 1121, 1122, and 1123
Psychology |
10 (for A, B, or C) |
PSY 1180 and 5 cr PSY lower-division elective |
Sociology |
5 (for A, B, or C) |
Elective |
Modern Languages |
Arabic |
5 (for C) |
For. Lang. met |
Elective |
10 (for B) |
For. Lang. met |
Elective |
15 (for A) |
For. Lang. met |
Elective |
Chinese |
5 (for C) |
For. Lang. met |
CHN 1103* |
10 (for B) |
For. Lang. met |
CHN 1103* |
15 (for A) |
For. Lang. met |
CHN 1103* |
French |
5 (for C) |
For. Lang. met |
FRE 1103* |
10 (for B) |
For. Lang. met |
FRE 1103* |
15 (for A) |
For. Lang. met |
FRE 1103* |
German |
5 (for C) |
For. Lang. met |
Elective |
10 (for B) |
For. Lang. met |
Elective |
15 (for A) |
For. Lang. met |
Elective |
Spanish |
5 (for C) |
For. Lang. met |
SPN 1103* |
10 (for B) |
For. Lang. met |
SPN 1103* |
15 (for A) |
For. Lang. met |
SPN 1103* |
All AS-Level Exams |
0 |
SPU does not award credits |
*Consult with the academic department regarding placement or major requirements.
**Students in the University Scholars Program may not use credit earned through a CIP A-level exam to fulfill the Ways of Knowing in the Fundamental Sciences (WKFS) requirement.