
Leadership Studies Minor

  • A minimum 30 credits are required for this minor, including 15 upper-division.
  • You will take 15–20 credits from three areas: Community and Personal Development; Vocation, Purpose, and Faith Formation; and Cultural and Global Diversity, selected from approved courses across the curriculum.
  • Participation in a leadership position will be expected while enrolled in the Practicum course. On- and off-campus leadership positions will be considered for completion of this requirement.

Apply to minor

  • To apply for a minor in Leadership Studies, you must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA. 
  • You should apply for this minor by the start of your junior year.
  • Apply to this minor through the online . The director must approve admission.
  • You must complete the requirements in effect when you are admitted to the minor.

Jeffrey Jordan, EdD, Director

The Leadership Studies minor offers students an opportunity to explore a holistic view of leadership within various disciplines.


Time Schedule

Course planning