The BS in Electrical Engineering program provides students with a strong foundation to design and analyze electrical and electronics systems.
The BS in EE degree is accredited by the .
- A minimum 130 credits are required for this major, including 64 upper-division credits.
- Chemistry: You must score 75 percent or higher on SPU’s Chemistry Placement Test or complete CHM 1100 “Introduction to Chemistry” or CHM 1211 “General Chemistry.”
- Degree requirements include courses in mathematics, science, computer science, engineering, and electrical engineering.
Apply to the major or minor
Students who have demonstrated their ability to succeed in engineering classes are welcome to apply to an engineering major.
This ability is demonstrated by completing the following courses at SPU and have a minimum 2.5 GPA, both in coursework required for the engineering major and as the SPU cumulative GPA:
- EE major: EE 2726 Electric Circuits I, or a course taken at SPU
requiring “Circuits I” as a prerequisite, prior to applying to this major.
Once you have completed those courses:
- to an Engineering major in the Winter Quarter of your sophomore year.
- Transfer students will be evaluated for major admission on a case-by-case basis.
- You must complete the major requirements in effect in the SPU Undergraduate Catalog for the year of your admittance to the major.
- are accepted at any time.