Students are permitted to add courses with the regular registration deadline until 11:59 p.m. on the fifth day of the quarter. Courses with extended registration deadlines (see above) have an online registration deadline of the 10th day of the quarter at 11:59 p.m.
Students are able to drop classes online through the 10th day of the quarter. Withdrawal from a course between weeks two and seven of the quarter will be noted with a "W" (withdrawal) on the transcript. The final deadline for withdrawing from courses is the seventh week of the quarter. Read complete information here about withdrawing from a course or withdrawing completely from the University.
A primary function of the Registrar's Office is to uphold academic integrity by ensuring that records of a student's course registration, course completion, and grades are accurate and comprehensive. Therefore, academic history data are not subject to erasure by request under the European Union General Data Protection Regulations or any other regulation.
Specific dates for these registration deadlines are listed in the University Academic Calendar. Students who are receiving financial assistance are encouraged to speak to a representative before making a change in course load.