
Faculty and Staff

Baine Craft
Baine Craft

Professor of Psychology and Biology; Director of Undergraduate Research, Psychology
PhD, University of Montana

Phone: 206-281-2182
Office:  111

Tracie Delgado
Tracie Delgado

Professor of Biology
PhD, University of Washington

Phone: (206) 281-2203
Office:  202

First Generation student
John Douglass
John Douglass

Assistant Professor of Biology; Co-Director of the Pre-Professional Health Sciences Program
PhD, Rutgers the State University of New Jersey

Phone: (206) 281-2209
Office:  207

Ryan Ferrer
Ryan Ferrer

Professor of Biology

Phone: 206-281-2513
Office:  106

Eric Long
Eric Long

Professor of Biology
PhD, Pennsylvania State University

Phone: 206-281-2297
Office: Eaton 203

Tim Nelson
Tim Nelson

Professor of Biology; Director of Blakely Island Field Station
PhD, University of Washington

Phone: 206-281-2094
Office:  204

Charlotte Pratt
Charlotte Pratt

Associate Professor of Biology
PhD, Duke University

Phone: 206-281-2189
Office:  102

Jenny Tenlen
Jenny Tenlen

Associate Professor and Co-Chair of Biology
PhD, University of Washington

Phone: 206-281-2007
Office:  113

First Generation student
Cara Wall-Scheffler
Cara Wall-Scheffler

Professor and Co-Chair of Biology
PhD, University of Cambridge

Phone: 206-281-2201
Office:  107

Derek Wood
Derek Wood

Professor of Biology; Assistant Provost for Faculty Scholarship and Grants
PhD, University of Arizona

Phone: 206-281-2955
Office:  108