
2013 Murdock Conference presenters

2013 Murdock Conference presenters
(from left to right) Dean Bruce Congdon, Melissa Rowe, Alex Garcia, Elias Lunsford, Andrew Zeiders, Andrew Daman, Grace Mammarella, Tucker Rogers, Jubilee Brenneman, Grant Andrews, Carmen Hové, Ilya Frid, Dr. Jenny Tenlen and Kathryn Yancey

The 2013 Murdock College Science Research Conference was held in Vancouver, WA and hosted by Lewis & Clark College. This conference featured undergraduate research from universities around the Pacific Northwest, including 30 oral presentations and 212 posters. 12 SPU students presented their research at the conference.

Student Presenters (highlighted in bold text)

Oral Presentation:

Andrew Daman (Dr. Ben McFarland, faculty advisor)
"Designing immunity: binding analysis of single-chain NKG2D constructs interacting with MICA isoforms from stressed kidney cells"

Poster Presentations:

Elias Lunsford and Camillo Candido (Dr. Ryan Ferrer, faculty advisor)
"Abnormal spawning frequencies in Puget Sound starfish"

Jubilee Brenneman and Andrew Zeiders (Dr. Eric Long, faculty advisor)
"Estimating black-tailed deer density on Blakely Island, Washington"

Alexandrea Garcia, Melissa Rowe, Grace Mammarella, Megan Mannen and Brett Megrath (Dr. Janet Bester-Meredith, faculty advisor)
"Intracerebroventricular injections of arginine vasopressin in female Peromyscus californicus after aggressive behavior"

Grace Mammarella, Alexandrea Garcia, Melissa Rowe, and Brett Megrath (Dr. Janet Bester-Meredith, faculty advisor)
"Olfactory disruptions and resident-intruder aggression in Peromyscus californicus"

Melissa Rowe, Grace Mammarella, Alexandrea Garcia, Haylee Yepson, Brett Megrath, Jennifer Gregg, Shelby Swanson and Benjamin Eisenreich (Dr. Janet Bester-Meredith, faculty advisor)
"Arginine vasopressin in the brain and its correlation with anxiety and maternal aggression in female California mice (Peromyscus californicus)"

Carmen Hové and Janelle Wagnild (Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler, faculty advisor)
"The humor gender gap: how gender and humor interact to influence social behavior"

Tucker Rogers and Grant Andrews (Dr. Wade Grabow, faculty advisor)
"Fluorescent monitoring of RNA assembly and processing using split spinach aptamer"

Kathryn Yancey (Dr. Adam Arabian, faculty advisor)
"Low cost universal testing device for measurement of spring coefficients in energy storage and return (ESR) prosthetic feet"

Ilya Frid, Leena Adamian, Amber Givens and Dr. Tim Nelson (Dr. Rick Ridgway, faculty advisor)
"Dopmaine localization by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy in the marin macroalga, Ulvaria obscura"

Amber Givens, Alysia Polito, Natalie Barker and James Krantz (Dr. Traci Czyzyk, advisor, Mayo Clinic Arizona and Dr. Rick Ridgway, faculty advisor)
"The role of MPZL3 in fatty acid uptake and triglyceride synthesis in liver and involvement in obesity"