2024 Murdock Conference Attendees
The was held in Vancouver, WA, Nov. 8 - 9, 2024, and was co-hosted by Whitman College. Congratulations to the following students, who represented SPU!
Burnside, Isabella. Succession and forest maturation decreases population density of black-tailed deer on Blakely Island, WA. Advised by Dr. Eric Long, Professor of Biology. * Top Poster Presentation awardee *
Dupar, Renske. Impact of central tumor necrosis factor signaling on glucose tolerance in pre-diabetic mice. Student co-authors: Anton Milan Brkic, Marie Hafez, Andre' Marineau and Madeleine Vogl. Advised by Dr. John Douglass, Assistant Professor of Biology.
Garcia, Jewel. Fishy Business in ɬÀï·¬: Salmon mislabeling fraud in sushi restaurants vs grocery stores. Advised by Dr. Tracie Delgado, Professor of Biology.
Gaspar, Yenni. Repurposing Methotrexate (MTX) as an Antiviral Drug. Student co-author: Keton Johnson. Advised by Dr. Tracie Delgado, Professor of Biology.
Goss, Ashley. Texting while walking: the increased energetic cost of communicating on the move.. Student co-authors: . Advised by Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler, Professor of Biology.
Green, Alec. Accessible technology records circadian branch movements in the western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla). Student co-authors: Renske Dupar and Gursagar Singh. Advised by Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler, Professor of Biology.
Hafez, Marie-Claude. Neuroinflammation in the Ventral Tegmental Area of Chronically Stressed Rats. Advised by Dr. Philip Baker, Associate Professor of Psychology and Dr. John Douglass, Assistant Professor of Biology.
Hanson, Weston. Inference of Small Non-coding RNA Mediated Network in M. tuberculosis Using a Predictive Model.. Advised by Dr. Mario Arrieta-Ortiz, Evan Pepper, and Dr. Nitin Baliga, Institute for Systems Biology.
Lee, David. Energy Costs of Head and Back Load Carrying: The Role of Arm Swing. Student co-author: Eloisa Nguyen. Advised by Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler, Professor of Biology.
McFarland, Samuel. Homology Modeling of Two Distinct Types of KIR-HLA Class I Complexes. Advised by Dr. Ben McFarland, Professor of Biochemistry.
Meyer, Savannah. Making Diverse Immunoproteins in the Undergraduate Lab: Antigen Fragments and Siderocalins. Advised by Dr. Ben McFarland, Professor of Biochemistry.
Nguyen, Eloisa. Load carriage and load position: how placement influences gait. Advised by Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler, Professor of Biology.
Savell, Jonathan. Using Capture-SELEX and MinION Nanopore Sequencing to Develop and Discover Lanthanide based Luminescent probes for RNA-Detection (oral presentation). Advised by Dr. Minhee Lee, Associate Professor of Chemistry, and Dr. Wade Grabow, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Singh, Gursagar. Load Carriage on Variable Incline Alters Human Locomotion. Student co-author: Eloisa Nguyen. Advised by Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler, Professor of Biology.