The was held in Vancouver, WA Nov. 12-13, 2021, and co-hosted by Willamette University. Congratulations to the following students, who represented SPU!
Yohannes Abraham. Mining military autoantibodies data to observe their presence over time in SLE patients. Advised by Dr. Jessica Hamerman, Benaroya Research Institute.
Yohannes Abraham. Ki67, CXCR3, and CCR6 hepatic T cells labeling in SIV-infected macaques. Advised by Dr. Donald Sodora, ɬÀï·¬ Children's Research Institute.
Felix Amenyo. Mycoplasma genitalium undergo antigenic variation in mgpBC genes as a response to antibody presence in pig-tailed macaques. Advised by Dr. Derek Wood, SPU Dept. of Biology and Dr. Gwen Wood, University of Washington.
Zoie Bailey. Modeling Individual Recombinant Protein Fragments of Mycoplasma genitalium to Measure Antibody Binding Activity. Advised by Dr. Gwen Wood, University of Washington.
Victoria Bowman. Construction of MG281 mutants in Mycoplasma Genitalium. Advised by Dr. Gwen Wood, University of Washington.
Anna Bursch. Cardiovascular health and locomotive efficiency: the relationship between walking speed, heart rate variability and stress. Advised by Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler, SPU Dept. of Biology.
Kelsey Furiya. The assessment of 2-deoxyglucose as an inhibitor of murine gamma herpesvirus-68 virus production in NIH-3T3 cells. Advised by Dr. Tracie Delgado, SPU Dept. of Biology.
Bethelehem Gebre. The Role of Ultrasonic Vocalization of Peromyscus californicus Mice During Aggression. Advised by Dr. Janet Bester-Meredith, SPU Dept. of Biology.
Brynna Hansen. Purification, Characterization, and Antibody Binding Analysis of Clinically Relevant Mycoplasma genitalium Protein Fragments. Advised by Dr. Ben McFarland, SPU Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Morgan McGovern. C-Terminal Truncations of the Mycoplasma genitalium MG281 Protein Impair Immunoglobulin Binding. Advised by Dr. Ben McFarland, SPU Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Kalkidan Yekuno. DNA extraction from bone of a black-tailed deer, Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) population on Blakey Island, WA. Advised by Dr. Jenny Tenlen, SPU Dept. of Biology.