
Summer Research Program

The Summer Research Program brings together students and faculty from the STEM departments at SPU (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, and Engineering). During the summer, SPU students and faculty meet weekly to share research progress through informal talks. Through these meetings, you’ll gain experience in presenting your research to a diverse audience and receive valuable feedback about your research. The program culminates in a research symposium in late August.

The 2017 Symposium program is listed below. Previous Summer Research Symposia talks and photos are available here.

2017 SPU Summer Research Symposium

August 24, 2017

Eaton 112

Sierra Decker, "Teaching about Inequity: Shifts in Student Views about Diversity in Physics" (advised by Dr. Abigail Daane, Physics)

Eric Bolander, "Focus on Energy" (advised by Dr. Abigail Daane, Physics)

Katelyn Eggiman and Eliza Williams, "Identification and Characterization of Candidate Genes Involved the Germline Development of Hypsibius dujardini" (advised by Dr. Jenny Tenlen, Biology)

Andrew Lee, "Hydrogen-Bonding in Volatile Organic Sulfur Compounds" (advised by Dr. Daniel Schofield, Chemistry)

Shun-Je Bhark, "Utilizing Mitochondrial DNA Markers to Determine Genetic Diversity of Deer on Blakely Island" (advised by Dr. Jenny Tenlen, Biology)

 Student presenters at 2017 Summer Research Symposium 2017 Summer Research Symposium presenters (from left to right): Eliza Williams, Katelyn Eggiman, Andrew Lee, Shun-Je Bhark, Sierra Decker and Eric Bolander

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