The was held Nov. 9-10, 2018 in Vancouver, WA, and hosted by Linfield College. Student presenters from SPU were:
Laarni Aguila. The novel protein MG032 and its effects on genetic recombination in Mycoplasma genitalium. Research advisors: Dr. Gwendolyn Wood and Dr. Patricia Totten, University of Washington.
Shun-Je Bhark and Callista Nackviseth. Extracting DNA from deer skulls to determine population fitness of an island deer population. Research advisors: Dr. Eric Long and Dr. Jenny Tenlen, Dept. of Biology.
Kara Eckley. Effects of salinity on alarm signaling in Anthopleurine elegantissima. Research advisor: Dr. Ryan Ferrer, Dept. of Biology.
Arik Espinelli. Physics of lead climbing. Research advisor: Dr. Lane Seeley, Dept. of Physics.
John Hemenway and Urim Kim. Survivorship of Columbian black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus on Blakely Island, Washington. Research advisor: Dr. Eric Long, Dept. of Biology.
Hayley Cheyney Kane. The use of resting breaks changes blood perfusion during paddling bouts. Research advisor: Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler, Dept. of Biology.
Jonathan Mahlum. Mapping the binding of fibronecting and plasminogen to the immunodominant adhesin domain of Mycoplasma genitalium. Research advisors: Dr. Gwendolyn Wood and Dr. Patricia Totten, University of Washington; Dr. Ben McFarland, SPU Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Alexandria Naftchi. Correlating reactive oxygen species release, microglial movement, and regenerative outgrowth of an identified neuron in Lymnaea stagnalis. Research advisor: Dr. Rick Ridgway, Dept. of Biology.
Bailey O'Connor and Emily Stohler. Investigation of gene evolution in Agrobacterium using CRISPR-Cas9. Research advisor: Dr. Derek Wood, Dept. of Biology.
Jennifer Tung. Role of MG032, MG096 and MG288 in recombination in Mycoplasma genitalium. Research advisors: Dr. Gwendolyn Wood and Dr. Patricia Totten, University of Washington.