
Bachelor of Arts in Biology

A bachelor of arts degree in Biology from SPU provides a broad foundation if you want to combine another area of study — such as education, environmental studies, law, or science writing — with a solid scientific background.

ɬÀï·¬ the Bachelor of Arts in Biology Major

As a Bachelor of Arts in Biology major, you can expect to study a wide array of scientific subjects — from the inheritance of traits and evolutionary mechanisms to animal physiology and plant identification — all within a framework of ethics, vocation, and faith.

Career Opportunities

After graduation, you'll be on your way to serving in a position such as:

  • Secondary teacher
  • Animal biologist
  • Attorney
  • Lab manager
  • Emergency medical technician
  • Hospital administrator
  • Biological photographer
  • Science writer
  • Natural history museum docent
  • Forensic scientist

Courses and Requirements

For a Bachelor of Arts in Biology major, you will be required to take at least 78 credits, including at least 28 upper-division credits. Review all of the , as well as a . No more than 6 credits of courses numbered from BIO 4900 through 4999 may be applied to this major.

Certification With Secondary Endorsement

If you plan to pursue Residency Teacher Certification with an endorsement that will allow you to teach science classes at the middle and high school levels, you can select a bachelor of arts degree in biology as your desired endorsement area. You will need to work closely with the certification officer to make sure you meet all the endorsement requirements. Students preparing for biology teaching careers should become familiar with Washington state endorsement requirements prior to selecting core and elective options.

To apply to the BA in Biology major, you must make a formal application through your Degree Status Check page in Banner.

Faculty Contact

Jenny Tenlen

Associate Professor and Co-Chair of Biology
PhD, University of Washington

Email: tenlenj@spu.edu
Phone: 206-281-2007
Office:  113
First Generation student

Cara Wall-Scheffler

Professor and Co-Chair of Biology
PhD, University of Cambridge

Email: cwallsch@spu.edu
Phone: 206-281-2201
Office:  107

Request More Info

Elena Brezynski

Why I Teach at SPU

Elena Brezynski, Assistant Professor of Biology

“What I enjoy most is being in a classroom or lab talking with my students about biology. With the small class sizes at SPU, I know my students well and they know me. Questions and discussions flow best in smaller groups, and active, lively participation is the way students make critical connections among biological topics.”