

Programs offered
  • Philosophy (major, minor, and tracks)

Philosophy is the attempt to answer certain persistent human questions, which fall into three traditional groups:

  • Axiology (the theory of value)
  • Metaphysics (the theory of being)
  • Epistemology (the theory of knowledge)

Characteristic questions include the following:

  • What is good?
  • What is real?
  • What is knowledge, and how can one achieve it?

By studying what the great philosophers have to say about these questions, you can develop a clear personal philosophy (and a clearer grasp of Christian theology), learn about the history of thought, and develop analytical skills — which can be applied to any other field.

Find out more about this program’s mission, vision, and learning outcomes.

Philosophy: General Track (BA)


The BA in Philosophy (General Track) can enable you to develop a clear personal philosophy (and a clearer grasp of Christian theology), learn about the history of thought, and develop analytical skills — which can be applied to any other field.

  • A minimum 55 credits are required for this major, including 25 upper-division credits.
  • Philosophy majors often train for careers in law, the ministry, the computer industry, and education, as well as in most other professional fields.
  • If you are currently majoring in another field, you are encouraged to consider Philosophy as a second major.

Philosophy: Technical Track (BA)


To the solid grounding in philosophical writing, argument, analysis, and problem solving provided by the philosophy core, the BA in Philosophy (Technical Track) adds fundamental courses in computer science. This major is designed for you if you seek a career in information technology (e.g., programming and data analysis).

  • A minimum 66 credits is required for this major, including 25 upper-division credits.
  • Includes courses in computer science, one of which is focused on ethical issues related to computing technology.

Philosophy minor


  • A minimum 30 credits are required for this minor, including 15 upper-division credits.
  • Philosophy minor requirements include Core courses, a systematic philosophy course, philosophy history courses, and approved electives.

Apply to the major or minor

  • To apply for a major or minor in Philosophy, you must have minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA in all college work applicable to the degree, or 3.0 in the 45 credits immediately preceding application to the major or minor.
  • Apply for a major or minor using the online .
  • You must complete the major requirements in effect in the SPU Undergraduate Catalog for the year of admittance to the major or minor.
  • If you are choosing Philosophy: General Track as a second major, you must earn a total of 50 credits, 25 of which must be upper-division. With the approval of the Philosophy faculty, you may omit 5 credits from the history, systematic, or elective courses.

Time Schedule: Philosophy

Course planning

help you complete your degree in a timely manner.

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Philosophy Department

Visit the Philosophy Department website, and see how a degree in Philosophy can help you achieve your goals and make a difference in the world.