
Exams and Advanced Standing

AP, Cambridge International, and IB transfer charts

Below you’ll find charts that indicate how SPU awards credit for Advanced Placement exam scores, Cambridge International Program, and International Baccalaureate higher-level exam scores.

How AP exams transfer

Following is a chart showing how Advanced Placement exam scores presented on an official score report are accepted at SPU. Unless otherwise noted in parenthesis, a minimum score of 3 is required in order for you to earn the number of credits listed. No score below 3 will result in credit.

If you believe an exam for which you receive credit also may fulfill major requirements, contact the appropriate department for a review. If you are interested in receiving credit for AP exams, you should have an official score report sent to at SPU.

AP Exam Subject Credits Exploratory Curriculum SPU Acceptance
Art History WKA Arts
Biology 5 (for 4, 5) WKFS BIO 1101
Calculus AB 5 (for 4, 5) WKQR MAT 1234
Calculus BC 5 (for 3 with AB subscore of at least 4) WKQR MAT 1234
    10 (for 4, 5) WKQR MAT 1234, 1235
Chemistry 5 (for 4) WKFS CHM 1211
  10 (for 5) WKFS CHM 1211 and 1212
Chinese Lang and Culture 5 (for 3) For. Lang. met

CHN 1103*

  10 (for 4) For. Lang. met CHN 1103*
  15 (for 5) For. Lang. met CHN 1103*
Computer Science A WKAS Applied Science
Computer Science Principles 5 (for 4, 5) WKAS CSC 1010
Macroeconomics 5 WKSS ECN 2102
Microeconomics 5 WKSS ECN 2101
English Language 5 (for 4, 5)   Elective
English Literature 5 (for 4, 5) WKH Humanities
Environmental Science 5 (for 4, 5) WKAS Applied Science
European History WKSS History elective
French Lang and Culture 5 (for 3) For. Lang. met FRE 1103*
  10 (for 4) For. Lang. met FRE 1103*
  15 (for 5) For. Lang. met FRE 1103*
German Lang and Culture 5 (for 3) For. Lang. met Elective
  10 (for 4) For. Lang. met Elective
  15 (for 5) For. Lang. met Elective

Government and Politics: Comparative

Government and Politics: U.S. 5 WKSS POL 1120
Human Geography WKSS Social Sciences
Italian Lang and Culture 5 (for 3) For. Lang. met Elective
  10 (for 4) For. Lang. met Elective
  15 (for 5) For. Lang. met Elective
Japanese Lang and Culture 5 (for 3) For. Lang. met Elective
  10 (for 4) For. Lang. met Elective
  15 (for 5) For. Lang. met Elective

5 (for 3, 4)

For. Lang. met LAT 1103*
  10 (for 5) For. Lang. met LAT 1103*
Music Theory
MUS 1050
Physics 1
5 (for 4, 5)
Physics 2
10 (for 4, 5)
None PHY 1102 and 1103
Physics B 5 (for 4, 5) WKFS PHY 1101
Physics C: Mechanics 5 (for 4, 5) WKFS PHY 1121
Physics C: Electricity & Mag 5 (for 4, 5) WKFS PHY 1123
Psychology WKSS PSY 1180
Research     Not transferrable
Seminar     Not transferrable
Spanish Language 5 (for 3) For. Lang. met SPN 1103*
  10 (for 4) For. Lang. met SPN 1103*
  15 (for 5) For. Lang. met SPN 1103*
Spanish Literature WKH


Statistics 5 (for 4, 5) WKQR MAT 2360
Studio Art: Drawing 5 (for 4, 5) WKA ART 1102
Studio Art: 2-D Design 5 (for 4, 5)
WKA ART 1102
Studio Art: 3-D Design  5 (for 4, 5)
None Elective
U.S. History WKSS History elective
World History COR2

History elective

*Consult with the academic department regarding placement or major requirements.

Advanced Standing

If you are a matriculated student at ɬÀï·¬, you may earn up to 45 quarter credits through university-recognized testing and advance credit programs. Recognized testing programs are limited to the following:

  • Advanced Placement Testing Program (AP)
  • Cambridge International A-Level Exams 
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • International Baccalaureate (IB)
  • International High School 13th Year Exams*
  • SPU’s Credit by Examination

Credits are awarded only from official score reports and using SPU’s awarding criteria. Awarding criteria may change from year to year. You will be granted credit based on the criteria in effect during the catalog year you enter ɬÀï·¬.

*Students who attended high school outside the U.S. and Canada may be awarded credit for external examinations for advanced high school work equivalent to a thirteenth year. The decision to award credit is dependent on examination scores and will require faculty review of course syllabi and subjects taken. SPU requires an officially certified copy of exam results showing scores for each exam subject, with an official English translation.  Combined credit for all test programs cannot exceed 45 quarter credits.

Examination credits, plus credits from community colleges, technical colleges, and unaccredited colleges cannot exceed 90 quarter credits. Credits are evaluated for Exploratory Curriculum requirements at the time you enter SPU according to policies outlined on these Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate charts.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

If you have completed CLEP exams with minimum scores in the 50th percentile (C grade range), you may be eligible to receive 5 quarter credits for each exam. SPU does not award credit for all CLEP exams. An up-to-date listing of credit offered for CLEP tests is available on the .

How Cambridge International Program exams transfer

Following is a chart showing how Cambridge International A-level exam grades presented on an official score report are accepted at SPU. Unless otherwise noted in parenthesis, a minimum grade of C is required in order for you to earn the number of credits listed. No grade below C will result in credit. SPU does not award credit for either O-level or AS-level exams.

If you believe an exam for which you receive credit also may fulfill major requirements, contact the appropriate department for a review. If you are interested in receiving credit for Cambridge International A-level exams, you should have an official score report sent to  at SPU.

CIP Exam Subject Credits Exploratory Curriculum SPU Acceptance
Accounting 10 None ACCT 2361 and 2362
Art and Design 5 WKA ART 1180
Biology 5 (for A) WKFS Elective
Business Studies 5 None BUS 2000 (no WE)
Chemistry 5 (for A, B) WKFS CHM 1211
Computer Science 5 WKAS CSC 1010
Economics 10 (for A)
WKSS ECN 2101 and 2102
  10 (for B, C) WKSS Elective

10 (for A, B)

None Elective
English Literature 10 WKH Humanities
Geography 5   WKSS Elective
History 10 WKSS History elective
Mathematics (US) 15 (for A, B) WKQR MAT 1110, 1221, and 5 cr MAT lower-division elective

Mathematics - Further 8 (for A, B) WKQR MAT 2401 and MAT 2360 
Physics 15 WKFS PHY 1121, 1122, and 1123
Psychology 10 WKSS PSY 1180 and 5 cr PSY lower-division elective 
Sociology WKSS Elective
Modern Languages
Arabic 5 (for C) For. Lang. met Elective
  10 (for B) For. Lang. met Elective
  15 (for A) For. Lang. met Elective
Chinese 5 (for C) For. Lang. met CHN 1103*
  10 (for B) For. Lang. met CHN 1103* 
  15 (for A) For. Lang. met CHN 1103* 
German 5 (for C)  For. Lang. met Elective 
  10 (for B) For. Lang. met Elective 
  15 (for A) For. Lang. met Elective 
French 5 (for C)  For. Lang. met FRE 1103* 

10 (for B) For. Lang. met FRE 1103*

15 (for A) For. Lang. met FRE 1103* 
Spanish 5 (for C) For. Lang. met SPN 1103*
  10 (for B) For. Lang. met SPN 1103*
  15 (for A) For. Lang. met SPN 1103*
All AS-Level Exams SPU does not award credits

*Consult with the academic department regarding placement or major requirements.

How higher-level International Baccalaureate exams transfer

Following is a chart showing how International Baccalaureate higher-level subject exam scores presented on an official score report are accepted at SPU. Unless otherwise noted in parenthesis, a minimum score of 5 is required in order for you to earn the number of credits listed. No score below 5 will result in credit. SPU does not award credit for Standard-level exams.

If you believe an exam for which you receive credit also may fulfill major requirements, contact the appropriate department for a review. If you are interested in receiving credit for International Baccalaureate Higher Level exams, you should have an official score report sent to  at SPU.

IB Exam Subject Credits Exploratory Curriculum SPU Acceptance
Biology 5 (for 6, 7) WKFS Fundamental Science
Business and Management 5   Elective
Chemistry 5 (for 5) WKFS CHM 1211
  10 (for 6)  WKFS CHM 1211 and 1212
  15 (for 7) WKFS CHM 1211, 1212, 1213 and 2213
Classical Languages 5 (for 5)   *
  10 (for 6)    *
  15 (for 7)   *
Computer Science 5 WKAS Applied Science
Dance 5 WKA Arts
Design Technology 5   Elective
Economics 5 WKSS ECN 2101
English A-1 5 WKH Humanities
European/Islamic History 5 WKSS History Elective* 
Film     Pending Review
Geography 5 WKSS Social Sciences
Global Politics 5 WKSS Political Science Elective
History 5 WKSS Social Sciences
Info Tech Global Society 5   Elective only
Language A 5 (for 5)   *
  10 (for 6)   *
  15 (for 7)   *
Language B 5 (for 5)   *
  10 (for 6)   *
  15 (for 7)   *
Mathematics 5 (for 6, 7) WKQR Quantitative Reasoning
Music 5   Elective
Philosophy 5   Elective
Physics 5 (for 6, 7) WKFS  Fundamental Science
Psychology 5 WKSS PSY 1180
Social and Cultural Anthropology 5 WKSS ANT 2250
Theatre 5 WKA Arts
Visual Arts 5 WKA Arts *

*Consult with the academic department regarding placement or major requirements.

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