Urban Studies
URB 2620: Introduction to Urban Studies (5)
An introduction to the study of cities, communities, and urban life, this course will study historical developments of cities, urban growth and change, and the ongoing processes of life in an urban context. A range of sociological methods, including ethnography, qualitative interviews and quantitative studies will provide perspectives on key urban questions.
Equivalents: SOC 2620
URB 2800: The Modern City in History (5)
Prerequisite: URB/SOC 2620 recommended. This course chronicles the rise of the modern city from the early nineteenth century through today from a global perspective. In opening with the Industrial Revolution, we examine the initial wave of mass immigration into cities and the attendant ills of overcrowding. New charitable and governmental organizations were designed to alleviate urban misery, and we study their methods and ideology. We then explore the professionalization of urban planning and European attempts to build “modern” cities in their empires, and local reactions to these projects. Moving through the decimation of World War II, we focus on the rebuilding of cities and postwar urbanization, including contrasts among global suburbs. The class concludes with issues of environmentalism, sustainability, and population growth, particularly in developing countries.
Equivalents: HIS 2800
URB 3100: Introduction to Urban Planning (5)
Prerequisite: URB/SOC 2620, or permission of instructor. This course is an introduction to the urban planning process and provides a framework for understanding urban and regional planning in the U.S., as well as prominent theories of urban planning and current practice. The course covers a range of planning challenges, with a focus on issues facing local planners in the current moment; these may include transportation, regional growth, urban density, land use management, environmental planning, and other concerns. The differential consequences of growth and change for urban residents will be explored.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: (URB 2620: D or better
OR SOC 2620: D or better)
URB 3200: Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (5)
This course provides an introduction to the use of Geographic Information Systems. Specifically, the student will learn how to use ArcGIS with a focus on mapping features of the urban environment. Student will use prepared data sets to explore geographic patterns around social inequality, housing, crime, neighborhood gentrification, and the built environment.
Attributes: Upper-Division
URB 3250: Philippines Study Abroad: Serving Children, Families and Communities (5)
The Philippines service learning study abroad program is designed for students of all academic disciplines who want to learn about the challenges and realities of living in poverty and the role of community development programs in alleviating poverty. Students will have the opportunity to participate with Kids International Ministries (KIM) in their feeding programs, family and community service projects, school programs, prenatal clinic, and interact with the children in an orphanage. May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.
Equivalents: FCS 3250
Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging
URB 3420: Community Development in Brazil (3)
This course introduces students to community development in the context of Brazil. Students will read the theoretical literature on community development and then partner with a variety of organizations in Brazil to practically apply models of community development.
Attributes: Upper-Division
URB 3450: Urban Public Policy (5)
This course examines the structure and workings of urban government and non-governmental agencies and organizations. Students will consider the responsibilities and challenges of to address urban-related issues including housing policy and homelessness, service delivery, crime, transportation policy, among others. The ways in which public policies impact the physical and social development of the city and quality of life of its inhabitants will be explored.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Prerequisites: (URB 2620: D or better
OR SOC 2620: D or better)
URB 3620: Surviving the City: London (5)
(Study Abroad:London) This course introduces students to the city of London, combining social science theory and studies with London's history and contemporary life. Students will take advantage of exhibits, museums, and galleries as a way to understand the development of London's urban culture.
Equivalents: SOC 3620
Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging
Study Abroad Admin Fee (non-refundable) ,
Fees New London Study Tour (non-refundable)
URB 4899: Urban Studies Capstone (3)
Prerequisites: URB/SOC 2620, URB 3100, and URB 3450. Provides an opportunity for students to reflect upon the urban studies program, what they have learned and the significance of a social scientific approach in providing an ongoing perspective for understanding the urban world. Further, students will be asked to think about how their faith perspective intersects with an urban studies approach to understanding the social world.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Urban Studies Majors only. Senior students only.
Prerequisites: (URB 2620: D or better
OR SOC 2620: D or better)
AND URB 3100: D or better
AND URB 3450: D or better
URB 4940: Internship (1-5)
Prerequisite: URB/SOC 2620. Internships provide opportunities for students to integrate course learning in Urban Studies with applied field experience. The internship program is designed for Junior or Senior Urban Studies majors in good standing. In addition to field hours, students can choose among four internship areas. Internships will be under the direction of the internship coordinator in the Urban Studies department. A minimum of 15 hours per week of field work is required for all internships. A maximum of 10 credits may be applied to the Urban Studies major and 5 credits may apply to an Urban Studies minor. May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Urban Studies Majors only. Junior, Senior students only.
Prerequisites: (URB 2620: D or better
OR SOC 2620: D or better)