

PHY 1101: General Physics (5)


The first quarter of a general introduction to physics, intended for biology and premed majors. Covers mechanics.

Attributes: Natural Science B, WK Fundamental Science

PHY 1102: General Physics (5)


Prerequisite: PHY 1101. The second quarter of a general introduction to physics, intended for biology and premed majors. Covers heat, sound, fluids, electricity and magnetism.

Attributes: Natural Science B Prerequisites: PHY 1101: D or better

PHY 1103: General Physics (5)


Prerequisite: PHY 1102. The third quarter of a general introduction to physics, intended for biology and premed majors. Covers light, atomic, molecular and nuclear physics.

Attributes: Natural Science B Prerequisites: PHY 1102: D or better

PHY 1110: Introduction to the Nature of Science (5)


Provides a lecture, demonstration and discussion course in the physical sciences. Examines the scientific method in light of what it does and does not do. Covers selected scientific concepts and theories, drawing most of the examples from the field of physics. Not recommended for students with more than one high school science course.

Equivalents: CHM 1110 Attributes: Natural Science B, WK Applied Science

PHY 1111: University Scholars Physics (5)


A general introduction to physics, intended for students in the University Scholars program. The course will cover Planetary motion, Newtonian mechanics, thermodynamics, relativity and quantam mechanics. Special emphasis will be given to historical relationships and the effects on current Western thought. Four class sessions and one laboratory each week.

Attributes: WK Fundamental Science

PHY 1121: Physics for Science and Engineering (5)


Prerequisite: MAT 1234 (may be taken concurrently). In this course, students will explore foundational ideas of motion, force, and energy through a discussion-based, exploratory approach. Emphasis will be placed on the development of the student's identity as a scientist and on building representations to model physical phenomena. All class sessions will involve active participation of the student in the process of constructing and refining scientific ideas through discussion and experimentation.

Attributes: Natural Science B, WK Fundamental Science Prerequisites: MAT 1234 can be taken concurrently: D or better

PHY 1122: Physics for Science and Engineering (5)


Prerequisite: PHY 1121 and MAT 1234. In this course, students will explore foundational ideas of rotation, heat and fluids through a discussion-based, exploratory approach. Emphasis will be placed on the development of the student's identity as a scientist and on building representations to model physical phenomena. All class sessions will involve active participation of the student in the process of constructing and refining scientific ideas through discussion and experimentation.

Attributes: Natural Science B Prerequisites: PHY 1121: D or better AND MAT 1234: D or better

PHY 1123: Physics for Science and Engineering (5)


Prerequisite: PHY 1122. In this course, students will explore foundational ideas of waves, optics and electricity through a discussion-based, exploratory approach. Emphasis will be placed on the development of the student's identity as a scientist and on building representations to model physical phenomena. All class sessions will involve active participation of the student in the process of constructing and refining scientific ideas through discussion and experimentation.

Attributes: Natural Science B Prerequisites: PHY 1122: D or better

PHY 1135: Astronomy: Individual and the Universe (5)


An integrative general introduction to astronomy, including astronomical observation and measurement, the solar system, extragalactic phenomena and cosmology. Includes the scientific method and worldview implications. (Not recommended for students who have taken NMS 1110).

Attributes: Natural Science B, WK Fundamental Science

PHY 1140: The Physics of Sound (5)


Fundamentals of simple harmonic motion, nature of sound, transmission and reception of sound, pitch, quality, loudness, musical intervals, diatonic equal tempered scales, musical instruments, acoustics of instruments, acoustics of buildings, modern research in sound and acoustics.

Attributes: Natural Science B, WK Fundamental Science

PHY 1142: Earth System Science (5)


An interdisciplinary introduction to the processes, interactions and development of the earth's biosphere, geosphere and hydrosphere. Special emphasis will be given to current environmental issues and environmental stewardship.

Attributes: Natural Science B, WK Fundamental Science

PHY 1143: Topics in Global Climate (5)


This is an inquiry-based learning course. The Earth system and the relation between the lithosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere will be explored through studying various events that affect or are affected by climate change. Topics will be drawn from Earth and climate-related issues including, but not limited to, climate in the Holocene era, ice sheets, volcanoes and stratospheric ozone. Students will appreciate how events do not occur in isolation on Earth, but that an event in any of Earth's systems will have effects on all of Earth's systems and that conscientious stewardship of Earth and its resources is needed. Most of the course material will be delivered online. There will be five class meetings at SPU.

PHY 1145: Oceanography (5)


An integrative introductory course covering physical, geological, chemical and biological oceanography. Includes consideration of the scientific method and current research.

Equivalents: BIO 1145 Attributes: Natural Science B, WK Fundamental Science

PHY 1150: Introduction to Geology (5)


Surveys geology including identification and origin of rocks and minerals, the processes of forming the present state of the earth, interpretation of geologic features and of the human impact on landscape. Laboratory experiences and/or field trips emphasized.

Attributes: Natural Science B, WK Fundamental Science

PHY 1910: Special Topics in Physics Seminar (1)


Prerequisites: One of the following must be taken concurrently: PHY 1101, 1102, 1103, 1121, 1122, 1123. Provides a direct study of current problems and research areas in physics such as astrophysics, chaos and complexity, particles and fields, and relativity. May be repeated for credit 2 times.

Prerequisites: PHY 1101 can be taken concurrently: D or better OR PHY 1102 can be taken concurrently: D or better OR PHY 1103 can be taken concurrently: D or better OR PHY 1121 can be taken concurrently: D or better OR PHY 1122 can be taken concurrently: D or better OR PHY 1123 can be taken concurrently: D or better

PHY 2010: Physics MCAT Preparation (1)


Prerequisite: PHY 1103 or 1123. This course is intended to augment the introductory physics courses in the specific physics topics which are covered on the MCAT examination. Faculty will serve as resources for a student-directed review of prior MCAT examinations.

Prerequisites: PHY 1103: D or better OR PHY 1123: D or better

PHY 2321: Intermediate Physics (5)


Prerequisites: PHY 1103 or 1123. Introduction to the physics of the 20th century: relativity, waves and quanta with applications to areas of contemporary physics such as atoms, nuclei, particles and solids.

Prerequisites: (PHY 1123: D or better OR PHY 1103: D or better)

PHY 2567: Development of Concepts in Physical Science I (3)


The first in a two-course sequence, this course is a laboratory-based study of selected topics in physical science and earth and space science, including properties, structures, and changes of matter, geometrical optics, and the daily and annual motion of the sun. Emphasis is on depth of understanding, scientific reasoning skills, and the development of pedagogical content knowledge. This course is designed to engage students in the practices of scientists and engineers and models reformed teaching practices that are guided by results from research in science education, cognitive science, and the professional development of teachers. This course is a preparation for teaching K-8 physical science based on the next Generation Science Standards.

Attributes: Natural Science B, WK Applied Science

PHY 2568: Devlopment of Concepts in Physical Science II (4)


Prerequisite: PHY 2567. The second in a two-course sequence, this course is a laboratory-based study of selected topics in physical science and earth and space science, including force and motion, energy transfer and transformation, phases of the moon, and geological systems. Emphasis is on depth of understanding, scientific reasoning skills, and the development of pedagogical content knowledge. This course is designed to engage students in the practices of scientists and engineers and models reformed teaching practices that are guided by results from research in science education, cognitive science, and the professional development of teachers. This course is a preparation for teaching K-8 physical science based on the next Generation Science Standards.

Attributes: Natural Science B, WK Applied Science Prerequisites: PHY 2567: D or better

PHY 2950: Special Topics in Physics (1-5)


A course studying a special interest topic in physics and physical science. Topics and credits may vary between offerings. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

PHY 3010: Contemporary Issues in Physical Science Education (2)


This course will explore a variety of issues in science education. Students will read seminal articles in science education literature. This course is designed to give students a better understanding of the pedagogical strategies they may be currently using as learning assistants. Students will also be encouraged to consider the vocational calling to teaching in a variety of contexts.

Attributes: Upper-Division

PHY 3011: Global Climate Change: Scientific, Social and Moral Implications (5)


Understanding human influences on the Earth's climate is one of the most exciting scientific challenges of our time. We have learned a tremendous amount about our planet but the complexity of climate prevents us from making precise predictions. The majority of climate scientists agree that dramatic action may be needed very soon, yet effective responses could radically alter our lifestyles and economic systems. In this course we will engage with the complexity of climate science and energy policy. We will work together to construct strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and we will critically consider the implications of these strategies.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging

PHY 3137: Greece/Geneva Study Abroad: Contemporary Physics & Eastern Christianity (5)


Engages students in the examination of multiple perspectives in the contemporary so-called faith-science culture wars through a scientific account of cosmological origins and the structure of matter at very small and very large scales on one hand, and engagement with a Greek Orthodox Christian worldview on the other. Students in small learning groups are immersed in the complexities of the issues and evaluate different responses to them than those often offered in the Christian West.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Ways of Engaging Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.

PHY 3211: Acoustics (5)


Prerequisites: (PHY 1101, 1102, and 1103 or PHY 1121, 1122, and 1123), and MAT 3237 and MAT 3238. EGR 3500 is preferred. A first course for engineering and physics students in the field of Acoustics and Noise Control Engineering. This course will cultivate a foundational understanding of fundamental acoustical principles such as simple harmonic oscillators, lumped element analysis, sound fields in bounded and unbounded spaces, human response to noise, and environmental and safety issues. Applications will include Helmholtz resonators, loudspeaker enclosures, room acoustics, environmental noise, and HVAC noise and vibration control.

Equivalents: EGR 3211 Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: (PHY 1101: D or better AND PHY 1102: D or better AND PHY 1103: D or better OR PHY 1121: D or better AND PHY 1122: D or better AND PHY 1123: D or better) AND MAT 3237: D or better AND MAT 3238: D or better

PHY 3311: Experimental Methods I (3)


Prerequisite: PHY 1103 or 1123, may be taken concurrently. In this course students will be introduced to advanced methods, tools and cognitive tasks required for contemporary scientific investigation and experimental research. Students will participate collaboratively in the design and implementation of benchtop research projects in physics and related fields. Students will use computers for collecting, analyzing and modeling experimental data. Special emphasis will be given to strategies for constructing and testing quantitative models for physical phenomena.

Equivalents: EGR 3311 Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Prerequisites: PHY 1103 can be taken concurrently: D or better OR PHY 1123 can be taken concurrently: D or better

PHY 3312: Experimental Methods II (3)


Prerequisite: PHY 3311. In this course students will build on knowledge and skills developed in Research Methods I in order to gain greater ownership of the strategies required for autonomous experimental research. Students will participate collaboratively in the process of forming their own research questions and constructing a plan for investigating these questions. Students will use computers for collecting, analyzing and modeling experimental data.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Prerequisites: PHY 3311: D or better

PHY 3313: Experimental Methods III (3)


Prerequisite: PHY 3312. In this course students will build on knowledge and skills developed in Research Methods I & II in order to take full ownership of an autonomous laboratory investigation. Students will participate collaboratively in the processes of: forming a focused research question, writing and refining a research proposal, constructing, testing, calibrating and modifying experimental apparatus, developing and executing data collection and analysis protocols, and synthesizing and presenting research findings.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Prerequisites: PHY 3312: D or better

PHY 3315: Electricity and Magnetism I (3)


Prerequisites: MAT 3237 and (PHY 1103 or PHY 1123). The first of a two-course sequence, this course studies electrostatics, magnetostatics, boundary conditions, electromagnetic waves, and introduction to applications such as skin effect, reflections, waveguides, antennas and optics.

Equivalents: EE 3315 Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: MAT 3237: D or better AND (PHY 1103: D or better OR PHY 1123: D or better)

PHY 3340: Quantum Mechanics I (3)


Prerequisites: PHY 2321 and MAT 3237. The first of a two-course sequence, this course studies basic wave mechanics, quantum mechanical operators, dynamics of the wave function, traveling waves, and bound states.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: PHY 2321: D or better AND MAT 3237: D or better

PHY 3401: Thermodynamics (3)


Prerequisite: EGR 3500. This is the second course of a two course sequence and studies heat, thermodynamics, elementary kinetic theory, and statistical physics.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: EGR 3500: D or better Fees: Physics Materials Fee (refundable)

PHY 3700: Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering (3)


Prerequisites: MAT 3237 and 3238. This class studies Fourier series, Laplace's equations, separation of variables, boundary value problems , Lorentz transforms and Hamiltonian mathematics. . Offered alternate years

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded. Prerequisites: MAT 3237: D or better AND MAT 3238: D or better

PHY 3841: Dynamics (3)


Prerequisite: EGR 3400. This is the second course of a two course sequence. Study of vectorial treatment of Newton's laws for undamped and damped linear, rotational and vibrational motion in several coordinate systems. Includes solving problems for particles and rigid bodies and Lagrangian mechanics.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: EGR 3400: D or better Fees: Physics Materials Fee (refundable)

PHY 4242: Atmospheric Science (2-5)


Prerequisites: PHY 1103 or 1123, and MAT 3237. Studies structure and composition of the atmosphere, radiative and convective processes: dynamics and distribution of the atmosphere; cloud physics; introduction to climatology and the upper atmosphere. Offered on demand. May not be repeated.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: (PHY 1103: D or better OR PHY 1123: D or better) AND MAT 3237: D or better

PHY 4311: Optics and Lasers (5)


Prerequisite: PHY 1103 or 1123. General theory of geometrical optics, physical optics, fiber optics and optical devices. Lectures and laboratory each week. Offered alternate years.

Equivalents: EE 4311 Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: PHY 1103: D or better OR PHY 1123: D or better

PHY 4315: Electricity and Magnetism II (3)


Prerequisite: PHY 3315 or EE 3315. The second of a two-course sequence, this course continues the study of electrostatics, magnetostatics, boundary conditions, electromagnetic waves, and is an introduction to applications such as skin effect, reflections, waveguides, antennas and optics. Includes computer and laboratory experiments.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: (PHY 3315: D or better OR EE 3315: D or better)

PHY 4340: Quantum Mechanics II (3)


Prerequisite: PHY 3340. The second of a two-course sequence, this course is a continuation of the study of basic wave mechanics, quantum mechanical operators, dynamics of the wave functions, traveling waves, and bound states.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: PHY 3340: D or better

PHY 4342: Atomic Physics (5)


Studies the hydrogen atom, perturbation theory, one-electron atoms, fine and hyperfine structure. Explores Zeeman and Stark effects. Introduction to multi-electron atoms. Offered alternate years.

Attributes: Upper-Division

PHY 4391: Nuclear and Particle Physics (5)


Study of the fundamental interactions and elementary particles, resonance states and nuclei. Emphasis on invariance principles, conservation laws and simple applications of quantum theories and the theory of special relativity. Discussion of experimental methods including particle detectors and accelerators. Offered alternate years.

Attributes: Upper-Division

PHY 4441: Statistical Physics (3-5)


Prerequisites: PHY 3401. Studies classical and quantum statistical mechanics, Bose and Fermi statistics and applications to physical systems. Offered alternate years.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: PHY 3401: D or better

PHY 4491: Solid State Physics (2-5)


Prerequisite: PHY 2321. Focuses on lattice statics and dynamics, electrons and Fermi surfaces, transport phenomena, semiconductors and superconductivity. Offered alternate years.

Equivalents: EE 4491 Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: PHY 2321: D or better

PHY 4501: Physics as a Process of Inquiry I (5)


Laboratory-based study of selected topics in physics and physical science, with emphasis on depth of understanding and cultivation of essential scientific and reasoning skills. Inquiry-based instruction guided by results from research in physics education and the professional development of teachers. Preparation for teaching physics or physical science in middle school and high school. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course

PHY 4502: Physics as a Process of Inquiry II (5)


Prerequisite: PHY 1103 or 1123 or instructor approval. Laboratory-based study of selected topics in physics, with emphasis on depth of understanding and cultivation of essential scientific and reasoning skills. Inquiry-based instruction guided by results from research in physics education and the professional development of teachers. Preparation for teaching physics at secondary school and introductory college levels. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Prerequisites: (PHY 1103: D or better OR PHY 1123: D or better)

PHY 4510: Preparation for Teaching Physical Science (2)


Prerequisite: PHY 1101 or 1121 or 2567. This is an inquiry-based learning course. Provides preparation for teaching physical science using instructional materials that have been guided by results from physics education research. Includes supervised teaching practicum. May be repeated for credit up to 12 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: PHY 1101: D or better OR PHY 1121: D or better OR PHY 2567: D or better

PHY 4511: Preparation for Teaching Undergraduate Mechanics (2)


Prerequisites: PHY 1103 or 1123. Preparation for teaching physics using instructional materials that have been guided by results from physics education research. Includes supervised teaching practicum. May be repeated for credit up to 9 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: PHY 1123: D or better OR PHY 1103: D or better

PHY 4512: Preparation for Teaching Undergraduate Electromagnetism (2)


Prerequisites: PHY 1103 or 1123. Preparation for teaching electromagnetism using instructional materials that have been guided by results from physics education research. Includes supervised teaching practicum. May be repeated for credit up to 9 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded. Prerequisites: PHY 1103: D or better OR PHY 1123: D or better

PHY 4513: Preparation for Teaching Undergraduate Waves and Optics (2)


Prerequisites: PHY 1102 or 1122. Preparation for teaching waves and optics using instructional materials that have been guided by results from physics education research. Includes supervised teaching practicum. May be repeated for credit up to 9 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded. Prerequisites: PHY 1102: D or better OR PHY 1122: D or better

PHY 4515: Science Teaching Immersion Experience (1-3)


Taught collaboratively by university faculty and experienced K-12 teachers, this course provides an immersion experience into teaching and learning at the precollege level. Course project(s) include adaptation of a physics or physical science lesson/unit, its implementation in the classroom and the assessment of learning outcomes and/or student engagement. May be repeated for credit up to 6 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division

PHY 4520: Preparing to Teach (2)


Preparation for teaching across the curriculum using instructional materials that have been guided by results from education research. Includes supervised teaching practicum. May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

PHY 4899: Natural Sciences Seminar (1)


Prerequisite: PHY 2321. A capstone experience for seniors that explores current natural sciences topics in an interdisciplinary setting. Seminars addressing current research advances, ethical issues in science or the intersection of science, vocation and Christian faith are presented by faculty, students and guest scholars. Discussion and reflection incorporate appropriate readings. A minimum of two quarters of seminar must be completed during the senior year to fulfill the senior capstone requirement. May be repeated for credit up to 3 credits.

Equivalents: BIO 4899, CHM 4899 Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Physics Majors only. Post-Baccalaureate, Senior students only. Prerequisites: PHY 2321: D or better

PHY 4900: Independent Study (1-5)


Student works independently with a faculty member on a mutually agreed upon topic. May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division

PHY 4905: Independent Study in Physics (1-5)


The area of study to be mutually agreed upon by the student and a physics faculty member. May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division

PHY 4930: Physics Practicum (1-5)


Physics Practicum May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division

PHY 4940: Internship in Physics (1-5)


Provides a significant learning experience to be obtained in a closely supervised work-study program. May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.

PHY 4950: Special Topics in Physics (1-5)


An advanced course studying a special interest topic in physics and physical science. Topics and credits may vary between offerings. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering Science, Mathematics, Physics Majors only. Freshman students are excluded.

PHY 4970: Senior Project Laboratory (1-5)


Prerequisites: PHY 3313 and senior standing. Independent research directed toward satisfaction of requirement of senior project for graduation with major in physics. May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman, Junior, Sophomore students are excluded. Prerequisites: PHY 3313: D or better