
Global Development Studies

GDEV 2000: Introduction to Global Development (5)


Introduces issues, theories, and discourses of global development. Surveys various approaches to development and inequalities. Compares secular and faith-based frameworks.

Attributes: Social Science B

GDEV 2001: Development Issues in International Setting (5)


Introduction to the major issues and concepts in the field of global development in the context of a given country. Students will examine themes via in-country classroom lectures, discussion, readings, and field experiences. May not be offered every year.

Attributes: WK Social Sciences

GDEV 3000: African Development (5)


Prerequisite: POL 2320. This course provides an overview of the key issues in 20th and 21st century African development. Beginning with the legacy of colonialism, in the first half of this course we explore how geography, ethnic conflict, weak institutions, and political instability consistently undermined both economic growth and poverty alleviation in Africa. In the second half, we examine the shift out of historic "poverty traps" in Africa, looking at the role played by processes of state consolidation, governance reforms, foreign direct investment, economic diversification, and greater integration in the global economy.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: POL 2320: D or better

GDEV 3050: Institutions and Institutional Analysis (5)


Prerequisite: POL 2320. This course begins by asking the question: what are institutions and why do they matter? We cover the major concepts in Neo-Institutional Economics (NIE) and examine the relationship between institutions and individual decision making. By understanding the position institutions play in choice situations, we are able to shed important new light on questions of poverty, development, conflict, and political order.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: POL 2320: D or better

GDEV 3200: Geographic Information Systems in Biology (3)


This course provides an introduction to the use of Geographic Information Systems. Specifically, the student will learn how to use ArcGIS with prepared data sets and will create their own GIS database based on field observations as a term project.

Equivalents: BIO 3200 Attributes: Upper-Division

GDEV 4899: Capstone: Civil Society (3)


Prerequisite: BUS 1700 or spreadsheet competency. Studies theoretical or practical issues in politics, government, and global development.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Restrictions: Global Development Studies Majors only. Freshman students are excluded.

GDEV 4900: Independent Study (1-6)


Student works independently with a faculty member on a mutually agreed upon topic. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division

GDEV 4940: Global Development Internship (1-15)


Provides field experience with non-profit organizations or public/private sector organizations appropriate to global development challenges. Under faculty sponsor supervision, students will apply concepts in global development major to real-world situations. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.

GDEV 4950: Special Topics in Global Development (1-5)


Special topics in Global Development Studies. May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division