
Angelina Luthi

If you are interested in meeting with Angelina, please email stepstostem@gmail.com, indicating the name of the peer mentor you wish to meet with.

Angelina LuthiHi! Im Angelina Luthi and I always knew I wanted to work in women’s health, but I never knew how to make this a reality. In the first two weeks of college at SPU, I met with the pre-med advisor, the global development head, a nursing professor and the center for career and calling the first quarter to try to see what I should pursue. From the beginning, I was all over the place. Starting to pursue global development in my freshman year and spending my free time volunteering at non-profits, I began to realize I didn’t like the idea of working in administration or public health. I didn’t know the direction to go from there but ended up shadowing a doctor the next week and that opened my eyes to the idea of medicine. I began pursuing science and medicine, switching my major to biology and joining Dr. Tenlen’s research team studying developmental biology in tardigrades. I loved research but I knew as I kept shadowing more doctors that I wanted to do solely medicine. So, I switched my major (again) to Physiology and sat down with my advisor to plan out the rest of my quarters. With lots of planning, I was able to get all of my prerequisites done so I could apply to medical school. I kept volunteering and shadowing, and eventually graduated in June of 2019 with my B.S. in physiology. This journey was super important for me to be 100% sure of what I wanted to pursue as a career. Now, I am working as a medical scribe at Snohomish Family Medicine, volunteering at Real Escape from the Sex Trade, and am prepping for my MCAT. I will apply to medical school in June 2020.

I am free to meetup anytime between 9am and 2pm!