
Honoring the Class of 2023

ivy on top of SPU degree frame

Many members of the Class of 2023 started their first year at SPU in-person, only to finish out their next two years largely online. This class has been resilient and supportive of one another. These graduates are destined to make their mark on the world, whether as health care practitioners, researchers, field biologists, teachers, or in a number of other professions. The Biology faculty are very proud of all of our graduates, and we will miss their presence at SPU.

Congratulations to the SPU Biology Department Class of 2023!

Julia Austin
BS Physiology
BA Honors Liberal Arts
(minor: Chemistry)
"Julia, thank you for bringing your personality and intellect to the classroom and lab. You will do great things!" (Dr. John Douglass)

Kaylan Banks
BA Biology
"Kaylan, you are an inspiration. I am proud of you for the resilience and perseverance you demonstrated in completing your degree!" (Dr. Jenny Tenlen)

Hannah Buller
BS Applied Human Biology
(minor: Spanish Studies)
"Hannah, thank you for taking your studies seriously and for being so dependable in your work as a prepper. You can accomplish whatever you set out to do!" (Dr. Charlotte Pratt)

Hera Cadelina
BS Applied Human Biology
"Hera, you will go far with your cheerful outlook and your willingness to work hard. Don’t ever give up on your goals!" (Dr. Charlotte Pratt)

Jaden Dang
BS Physiology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Jaden, in the past years you've experienced everything from electron orbital Zoom lectures to classroom debates about cell ownership. Thank you for gifting us with your thoughtful comments and steady presence!" (Dr. John Douglass)

Hannah Doble
BS Applied Human Biology
(minor: Psychology)
"Hannah, you were an absolute delight to get to teach and to get to know. Your infectiously winsome personality makes every group you belong to better, and I know you will continue to bring joy wherever you go next." (Dr. Eric Long)

Eren Dodd
BA Life Science
(minors: Appropriate & Sustainable Engineering; Physics)
"Eren, it's been fun having you in class, ready to apply your insights from the engineering world to biological concepts. " (Dr. Ryan Ferrer)

Jerry Eshuis
BA Biology
(minor: Ecotheology)
"Congratulations, Jerry! And well done: Any student that made it through Plant Physiology during COVID with recorded lectures can take on the world! You'll be appreciated wherever you end up. " (Dr. Tim Nelson)

Zachary Glaze
BS Ecology
"Zach, thank you for your excellent work in every class in which I had the opportunity to teach you. I'm especially thankful for our time on Blakely - so glad I had multiple opportunities to work with you there!" (Dr. Eric Long)

Sumaya Hassan
BS Physiology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Sumaya, your hard work and sense of motivation are apparent. I know that you will be a competent caregiver who listens closely to her patients. You will be valued wherever you go!" (Dr. Charlotte Pratt)

Esther (Ayysta) Htoo
BS Physiology
"Congratulations BioCORE scholar and Peer Mentor, Ayysta! We are grateful for your focus, positive energy and cheerfulness in the group." (Dr. Elena Brezynski)

Xing Huang
BS Physiology
BA Honors Liberal Arts
"Congratulations Xing you are almost there! Your skills in biology and innate sense of creation care will undoubtedly put to excellent use in the coming years." (Dr. John Douglass)

Abhi Kancherla
BS Cellular and Molecular Biology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Congratulations Abhi, it was a joy working with you in Molecular! Your ability to dig into problems and build a strong background through primary literature review will be a valuable asset in your future career. Best of luck!" (Dr. Derek Wood)

Dhyana Kida
BS Biology
"Dhyana, your tenacity, perseverance, and dedication throughout your time at SPU has been nothing short of remarkable. The number of hurdles that you have successfully navigated is impressive, and I have no doubt that you're going to crush it at the next level." (Dr. Eric Long)

Abby Kizziar
BS Applied Human Biology
"Abby, I really appreciate your participation and enthusiasm in class! You've asked great questions, and I have no doubt you will succeed in radiology or any other career you decide to pursue." (Dr. Jenny Tenlen)

Kaitlynn Knocke
BS Ecology
(minor: Business Administration)
"Kaitlynn, it's been an absolute delight to get to know you and work with you over these past years. I love the energy that you bring to everything you do, and its been an especial delight to get to work with you on Blakely!" (Dr. Eric Long)

Lyuda Krot
BS Physiology
"Lyuda, you've made it! I was very happy to have you as a student and as a TA. I'm sure that your hard work will pay off and get you where you want to go!" (Dr. Ryan Ferrer)

Lindsey Lambert
BA Life Science
"Lindsey, I'm going to miss our quarterly meetings! Your hard work, organization, and ability to balance a LOT of pulls on your time have been impressive, and I have no doubt that you're going to succeed at the next level." (Dr. Eric Long)

Jared Larkin
BS Applied Human Biology
"Jared, it's been a delight getting to work with during your time at SPU, and I'm stoked for a victory lap in the Galapagos. I've appreciated your hard work and investment throughout, and I have no doubt you're going to succeed at the next level." (Dr. Eric Long)

Libby Michael
BA Biology
Education Certification
"Congratulations, Libby! You showed amazing resilience in dealing with both BIO 2103 during COVID and Plant Physiology. And juggled a really busy schedule! You're going to be the kind of science teachers I wish my kids could learn from." (Dr. Tim Nelson)

Rachel Millard
BS Applied Human Biology
(minor: Cultural Anthropology)
"Congratulations Rachel! It was a blessing to work with you and watch you grow over the last four years. You have done exemplary work here at SPU and I know that will translate to a successful career serving others. Good luck!" (Dr. Derek Wood)

Angela Moreno
BA Biology
"Angela, I have enjoyed getting to know you over the past four years. You care deeply about your understanding of the concepts you've learned in class, and you are tenacious in your approach to labs and course work. Congratulations on your graduation!" (Dr. Jenny Tenlen)

Peter Nalivayko
BS Physiology
(minor: Chemistry)
"I feel a bit cheated having only had you as a student in one class, but I greatly appreciated your energy, humor, and enthusiasm in Chemical Ecology. You will be successful down whatever path you pursue, I'm sure!" (Dr. Ryan Ferrer)

Insiya Nehal
BS Physiology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Insiya, it has been a pleasure to watch your transformation from a shy first-year student to a confident, accomplished graduate. Your ability to reflect on your experiences will take you far!" (Dr. Charlotte Pratt)

Nicholas Ngyuen
BS Ecology
"Nick, thank you for your focus, interest, and insights in class. You were a consistent presence in many classes!" (Dr. Ryan Ferrer)

Geana Nicolas
BS Physiology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Geana! Thank you for your hard work, your kind words, and your investigation of all things physiology (and walking!). It has been such a pleasure having you in classes and in my research lab." (Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler)

Jake Palisoc
BS Physiology
BA Honors Liberal Arts
(minors: Musc; Chemistry)
"Jake, whether it was a middle-of-the-night remote inorganic chemistry lab or sunny afternoon taking prospective students on tours through campus, you always brought 100% of your effort and positivity. Thank you for inspiring others and bringing your best to our school!" (Dr. John Douglass)

Audrey Poon
BS Applied Human Biology
(minor: Psychology)
"Audrey you are an amazing physiologist and anthropologist! Thank you for always coming to office hours, for having the most amazing ideas, and for sharing your gifts with us." (Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler)

Sam Raichman
BA Life Science
"Congratulations, Sam! You made it. Well done. I always appreciated your steady presence in classes." (Dr. Tim Nelson)

Guillermo Reyes Jimenez
BS Physiology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Congratulations, Guillermo! Thank you for all your work as a mentor and LA in BIO1859. Your kindness and thoughtfulness towards your students is impressive." (Dr. Elena Brezynski)

Ashlie Rodrigo
BS Physiology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Congratulations, Ashlie! I appreciate the effort you put in to all the classes you took from me. Keep us posted on your future plans!" (Dr. Tim Nelson)

Vanshika Sangal
BS Physiology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Vanshika, thank you for all your hard work and your intense motivation to be the best scientist you can be. I have loved watching you grow over your time here." (Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler)

Valerie Schulte
BA Biology
"Valerie, I have loved having you in classes. Thank you for your honesty and for always pushing to understand science more deeply. Very best wishes as you move forward in your career." (Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler)

Madeline Skipton
BS Applied Human Biology
"Maddie, congratulations and best wishes! You have shown great perseverance and good humor throughout your time at SPU." (Dr. Charlotte Pratt)

Sophia Soa
BS Applied Human Biology
"Sophia, you are conscientious and committed to doing your best. You have been an absolute joy to work with as your advisor and instructor. Congratulations on your graduation!" (Dr. Jenny Tenlen)

Madeleine Splattstoesser
BS Physiology
"Madeleine, congrats on graduation! It has been a pleasure to have you in my research lab the last 2 years and watch you develop as a scientist. I am very proud of you. " (Dr. Tracie Delgado)

Ivy Ta
BS Physiology
"Congratulations, BioCORE scholar and Peer Mentor, Ivy! Your journey is inspirational. You have gone from strength to strength. Well done!" (Dr. Elena Brezynski)

Niyah Thurman-Henry
BS Physiology
"Congratulations Niyah! It was a pleasure to have you in multiple upper division classes. It was fun to watch your writing skills grow impressively." (Dr. Ryan Ferrer)

Dulce Torres
BS Applied Human Biology
(minor: Studio Arts 2-D Media)
"Dulce, I am confident that you will be an excellent health care professional. You have the gift of being sensitive to the needs of others—the world needs more caregivers like you!" (Dr. Charlotte Pratt)

Kathryn VanMaanen
BS Cellular and Molecular Biology
(minors: Chemistry; Psychology)
"Kathryn, I really appreciate your adaptability, your curiosity about a wide range of subjects, and your sense of humor. It has been a pleasure to get to know you as your advisor and instructor these past four years!" (Dr. Jenny Tenlen)

Esmeralda Vazquez-Sagrero
BS Applied Human Biology
"Congratulations graduating BioCORE scholar! Esmeralda, you have always shown kindness and grace, persistence and dedication." (Dr. Elena Brezynski)

Jessica Vester
BS Physiology
BA Honors Liberal Arts
(minor: )
"Congratulations Jessica! You have a done a remarkable job here at SPU. It was a blessing to get to know you in our advising meetings and I know you will make a great veterinarian or wherever God leads you. Good luck!" (Dr. Derek Wood)

Jasmine Vo
BA Life Science
BS Cellular and Molecular Biology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Congratulations on your graduation, Jasmine! You should be very proud of yourself - you have had to overcome so much, but you persevered. I am thankful I had the opportunity to work with you in my courses and lab." (Dr. Jenny Tenlen)

Bao Vu Nguyen
BS Physiology
(minors: Bioethics and Humanities; Chemistry)
"Bao, your dedication, cheerfulness and positivity have enriched us all. Thank you for your dedicated work as a freshman mentor and LA in BIO1859." (Dr. Elena Brezynski)

Micah Weathers
BS Ecology
"Micah, it was great to get to know you and enjoy your perspectives (and guitar skills!) on field trips." (Dr. Ryan Ferrer)

Cameron Welty
BS Ecology
(minor: Coaching Science)
"Cameron, I've been impressed at your ability to balance the intense time demands of really challenging coursework and soccer, and I've really enjoyed the opportunity to work with you in multiple classes. I have no doubt you're going to succeed at the next level. " (Dr. Eric Long)

Tony Williams
BA Life Science
"Tony, I admire your intellectual curiosity and your tenacity in completing your degree. Your dream of contributing to biomedical research is in reach - keep your eyes on the prize." (Dr. Jenny Tenlen)

Jakob Wilson
BS Physiology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Jakob, you have excelled as a biology student, teaching assistant, researcher, and leader. These two years have passed too quickly, but we cannot keep you forever. Congratulations on finishing and doing it so well!" (Dr. John Douglass)

Ashtyn Winter
BS Applied Human Biology
"Ashtyn, you are incredibly goal-oriented and focused, and you have excelled in your time at SPU. You have a great future ahead of you as a Physician Assistant. Congratulations on your graduation and your position at SANS!" (Dr. Jenny Tenlen)

Melanie Yang
BA Biology
"Melanie, you have overcome a lot of challenges these past few years, and you should be proud of what you have accomplished!" (Dr. Jenny Tenlen)

Yu-Jin Youn
BS Physiology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Yu-Jin! You have been a joy to teach and to know. You are an incredible physiologist, researcher and friend. You have brought so much to this campus, and our department, with your intelligence, work ethic, and art--and your excellent taste in coffee beverages. Regardless of the unknowns I can't wait to hear about your next adventure." (Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler)