
Honoring the Class of 2022

ivy on top of SPU degree frame

The Class of 2022 weathered nearly two years of a pandemic, largely online. These students have demonstrated resilience and perseverance amidst the return to in-person learning, COVID surges, and resuming internships and volunteer opportunities. This class is destined to make their mark on the world, whether as health care practitioners, researchers, field biologists, veterinarians, school counselors, or in a number of other professions. The Biology faculty are very proud of all of our graduates, and we will miss their presence at SPU.

Congratulations to the SPU Biology Department Class of 2022!

Richo Abenojar
BS Physiology
(minor: Chemistry)
"I am so proud of your journey, Richo! You have been a kind and supportive Peer Mentor for the BioCORE Scholars program and a gracious, cheerful presence in our department!" (Dr. Elena Brezynski)

Yohannes (Johnny) Abraham
BS Cellular and Molecular Biology
(minors: Chemistry, Classics)
"Johnny, you are an exemplary student with some serious scientific chops. Congratulations on juggling the responsibilities of research and academics at the same time - and doing it so well! We'll miss you here at SPU but look forward to hearing about your future successes." (Dr. John Douglass)

Egypt Adams
BS Physiology
(minor: Chemistry)
"The words persistence and determination define you, Egypt. You have always shown such strong motivation to succeed!" (Dr. Elena Brezynski)

Fatema Alahmed
BS Physiology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Fatema, you think so deeply and intentionally about life and issues impacting others. I'm so impressed by how much you've grown during your time here." (Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler)

Abbie Anderson
BS Physiology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Abbie! You are such a great thinker. You take ideas to the next level and really build conceptually on how systems (social and physiological!) work. It has been such a pleasure seeing how you process information." (Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler)

Haleigh Anderson
BS Ecology
(minor: Sociology)
"Haleigh! You're amazing. I love the way you'll take on new challenges and grow. You will be missed!" (Dr. Tim Nelson)

Fares Asiri
BS Physiology
"Fares, you have been a perfect model of competence coupled with respect and care for your classmates. I hope you will always treasure your time at SPU." (Dr. Charlotte Pratt)

Nikki (Nikks) Au
BA Life Science
"Nikks, your journey to your degree has been a challenging one, but I hope you are proud of what you have accomplished!" (Dr. Jenny Tenlen)

Zoie Bailey
BS Cellular and Molecular Biology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Whether as a successful research student or as a Peer Mentor for BioCORE or as our BioCORE social media coordinator, Zoie you have shown dedication, innovation and kindness. We will miss your talents." (Dr. Elena Brezynski)

Grace Barthelmess
BS Ecology
BA Honors
(minor: Ecotheology)
"Grace, you have an infectious passion and curiosity for biology. I hope you carry these qualities with you throughout your career. Congratulations!" (Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler)

Jessica Bekele
BS Physiology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Jessica, your insightful comments in class and PowerLab mastery will truly be missed. Thank you for being a part of our world of biology at SPU. Congratulations on your hard-earned degree!" (Dr. John Douglass)

Bethel (Betty) Berhanu
BS Physiology
(minors: Chemistry, Psychology)
"Betty, your focus and kindness shines through your work. You have been a fabulous leader in the BioCORE Scholars program and a dedicated and attentive LA." (Dr. Elen Brezynski)

Eden Berhanu
BA Life Science
(minor: Bioethics and Humanities) "Thank you for your wonderful questions and your quiet leadership. You have been such a delight Eden!" (Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler)

Alison Blodgett
BA Life Science
BS Psychology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Alison, you have excelled in many ways while at SPU. You are a strong writer and researcher, and have demonstrated passion and care for others' mental health through your leadership of Active Minds. Your future patients will be very lucky to have you as an advocate for their needs!" (Dr. Jenny Tenlen)

Victoria Bowman
BS Cellular and Molecular Biology
(minor: Chemistry)
"No one is as conscientious as you, Victoria! It has been our luck and good fortune to have you at the front desk, running our Instagram and having you light up the classroom with your insights. We are so grateful for the myriad of ways you have blessed us in Eaton over the past few years. Thank you!" (Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler)

Mollie Brown
BS Ecology
"Mollie, your ability to see things from a different angle and the artistic sense you bring to Biology has always amazed me. We will miss you!" (Dr. Tim Nelson)

Anna Bursch
BS Ecology
(minor: Music)
"Since your very first set of essays, you have blown us away with your great ideas, interesting insights, and challenging questions. Thank you for hard work and dedication which has pushed science forward!" (Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler)

Nikki Chiangpradit
BS Applied Human Biology
(minor: Psychology)
"Nikki, you have been an absolute pleasure to work with over. I appreciate your thoughtful contributions to class discussions, and the care you have taken with every assignment and lab activity. You will be an outstanding PA - your future patients will be lucky to have you!" (Dr. Jenny Tenlen)

Malanda Clamoungou
BA Life Science
"Malanda, I am grateful for the opportunity to work with you these past few years, and be part of your educational journey. I am very proud of what you have accomplished, and pray you will always believe in yourself!" (Dr. Jenny Tenlen)

Lauren Donnelly
BA Life Science
"Lauren, you brought creative thinking and unique insights to your classes, and you discovered a career that will perfectly suit your talents." (Dr. Charlotte Pratt)

Lisa Dyer
BA Life Science
"Lisa, It has been such a pleasure working with you as one of my pre-veterinary interest students and then having you in my classes. You have worked so hard and juggled full-time work with taking classes. I know that you will find the perfect fit for helping ɬÀï·¬ and loving animals after you graduate." (Dr. Cindy Bishop)

Emma Engel
BS Physiology
(minor: Psychology)
"You are an inspiration! I greatly appreciate your strong critical thinking skills, innate sense of social justice and empathy, both as a student and grader/TA. You will be a change-maker in whatever profession you enter!" (Dr. Jenny Tenlen)

Jordan Erickson
BS Applied Human Biology
(minor: Psychology)
"Jordan, I have enjoyed every advising appointment and class interaction with you. I love the great questions that you ask and your motivation to succeed. I have no doubt that you will be successful in your future adventures." (Dr. Cindy Bishop)

Haley Ernst
BS Cellular and Molecular Biology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Haley, it has been such a privilege to get to know you throughout your time at SPU, starting from our first meeting at a prospective students' event! You are gracious and compassionate, and you have a strong can-do spirit." (Dr. Jenny Tenlen)

Spencer Fleming
BS Applied Human Biology
"Spencer, you have been a consistently strong student throughout your time at SPU. Thanks for all of your hard work! I expect great things in your future." (Dr. Janet Bester-Meredith)

Paul Gallahar
BS Applied Human Biology
(minor: Exercise Science)
"Paul, congratulations on never giving up on your goals and finding creative solutions to challenges that would have stopped anyone else!" (Dr. Charlotte Pratt)

Yoska Habtom
BS Physiology
(minor: Chemistry)
"We will miss your community building spirit, Yoska, and your sense of humor. Many congratulations on your graduation as a BioCORE Scholar!" (Dr. Elena Brezynski)

Brynna Hansen
BS Cellular and Molecular Biology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Brynna, you can do anything! You are so smart and hard-working, with the ability to lend your curiosity to others to get collaborations off the ground! You can do anything and go anywhere and we are so lucky to have had you here as part of your journey." (Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler)

Lexi Hellums
BS Biology
"Lexi, thank you for your hard work and willingness to try new things. It has been such a pleasure working with you." (Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler)

Megan Hill
BA Life Science
"Megan, you've done it! Congratulations on leaving SPU with a degree in the sciences. I wish you success in the future!" (Dr. Ryan Ferrer)

Rachel Ho
BA Life Science
(minor: Chemistry)
"I was impressed by your persistence in Animal Behavior. Despite being in a different time zone and having to work with entirely different species than the rest of the class, you made the class work. Congratulations on your graduation!" (Dr. Rachel Ho)

Brandon Hua
BS Biology
(minor: Chemistry)
"I so enjoyed watching the spark ignite in you, Brandon. Your energy and curiosity in class discussions always made me smile. Congratulations on finishing your degree!" (Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler)

Darren Hwang
BS Physiology
"Darren, I will miss your great sense of humor and your friendly and welcoming personality. Congratulations on your graduation!" (Dr. Janet Bester-Meredith)

Mathea Kurtz-Shaw
BS Biology
BA Honors
(minors: Chemistry, Ecotheology, Global Engagement)
"Wow! You're graduating! You bring a great sense of the liberal arts to the sciences and have become a very accomplished biologist and diver. We're sorry to see you go." (Dr. Tim Nelson)

Evelin Laris
BS Physiology
"Evelin you have an amazing drive and focus. I am so glad to have had you in my classes and a part of our biology program. Best of luck with your work in the hospital and enjoy the upcoming break from exams and lab reports!" (Dr. John Douglass)

Nghi Le
BA Biology
"Nghi, you are going to be a fantastic teacher. You are determined and hardworking. Congratulations on your graduation!" (Dr. Janet Bester-Meredith)

Mary Lerwick
BS Ecology
(minor: Psychology)
"Mary, thank you so much for all of your hard work in the animal facility. I am going to miss your dry sense of humor and your dedication to the animals!" (Dr. Janet Bester-Meredith)

Eric Lopit
BS Ecology
"Your thoughtfulness towards your fellow students and the sense of fun you bring to various situations always bring a smile to our faces. You'll be missed!" (Dr. Tim Nelson)

Ellie Loran
BS Ecology
"Ellie, I love seeing how you took on challenging tasks and stuck with them until you'd succeeded. You're inspiring! We'll miss you." (Dr. Tim Nelson)

Elizabeth Lucas
BS Physiology
BA Honors
(minor: Psychology)
"Elizabeth, you have an admirable ability to think ahead and plan carefully to meet your goals. This talent will serve you well wherever you are." (Dr. Charlotte Pratt)

Gianno Maliani
BS Physiology
"Gianno, I love your enthusiastic approach to your classes. You engage with the material and clearly love to learn. Make us proud, my friend!" (Dr. Tim Nelson)

Oviya Manivakkam Vivekanand
BS Physiology
"What an achievement! Congratulations, Oviya, on graduating in the sciences!" (Dr. Ryan Ferrer)

Rose Matta
BA Life Science
BS Biochemistry
"Rose, I'm so happy to see that your determination is paying off! Congratulations... here's to your success in the future!" (Dr. Ryan Ferrer)

Daniella Muhlebach
BS Physiology
"Daniella, you have knack for solving any challenge in front of you. Congratulations on putting that talent to use and achieving a degree!" (Dr. John Douglass)

Sydney Olea Suarez
BS Applied Human Biology
"Sydney, I really enjoyed having you as a student. You are a calm, thoughtful student who perseveres regardless of what challenges you are facing. Congratulations on your graduation!" (Dr. Janet Bester-Meredith)

Griffin Ovenell
BS Applied Human Biology
"You are someone I have always been able to count on as a LA and an TA. You go the extra mile with positive energy and dedication. Your bread-tasting skills in BIO2571 lab are now legendary!" (Dr. Elena Brezynski)

Jorden Perez
BS Applied Human Biology
(minor: Psychology)
"Jorden, I loved seeing how you succeeded in new challenges, in particular those with a hands-on component. You're a problem-solver. You'll be missed!" (Dr. Tim Nelson)

Riley Peters
BS Physiology
(minors: Bioethics and Humanities, Chemistry)
"Riley, it was great having you in my classes at SPU. I loved seeing how you took on challenges and easily met them. " (Dr. Tim Nelson)

Sam Raichman
BS Physiology
"Sam, despite facing some tough challenges during your time at SPU, you have succeeded in your courses. Congratulations on your graduation!" (Dr. Janet Bester-Meredith)

Zachariah Rothschiller
BS Applied Human Biology
"Zachariah, it has been a pleasure to follow your progress over the years, as you set one goal after another. You will go far!" (Dr. Charlotte Pratt)

Tyler Ruch
BS Physiology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Tyler, it has been such a pleasure getting to know you as a student and a person. You are such a careful listener and have an innate ability to quickly put new ideas into words. Thank you for all your hard work and best wishes going forward." (Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler)

Makaiya Russell
BS Physiology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Makaiya, your curiosity and great questions make you an unparalleled delight to have in class. Your passion for learning will give you so many options as you move forward with your education." (Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler)

April Sanchez-Lopez
BS Physiology
"April, Wow, what an adventure. I have had the pleasure of working with you as you navigated some real challenges and demonstrated your perseverance. I am so excited as you graduate and move on for your next adventures in life." (Dr. Cindy Bishop)

Jordi Scherrer
BA Life Science
"Jordi, thank you for gifting us with your creativity and scientific mind. You have put in an incredible amount of work and earned every little bit of that degree. Congratulations!" (Dr. John Douglass)

Debo Sen
BA Life Science
(minor: Business Administration)
"Debo you ask the best questions and light up the classroom with your enthusiasm! Thank you for all your hard work!" (Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler)

Arwen Shantz
BS Ecology
"Arwen, you have developed as a student over the past few years and I'm so happy for your graduation and your success in the future." (Dr. Ryan Ferrer)

Maddie Skipton
BS Applied Human Biology
"Congratulations on persevering through your degree program! I have enjoyed watching you grow as a student during your time at SPU." (Dr. Janet Bester-Meredith)

Evie Small
BS Applied Human Biology
"Evie, you have shown that every accomplishment leads to another challenge, yet you have never given up. Best wishes for life after graduation!" (Dr. Charlotte Pratt)

Bethany Stein
BS Physiology
"Bethany, what an incredible achievement to meet academic challenges and responsibilities of family all at the same time. You did it! Congratulations!" (Dr. John Douglass)

Pamela Styborski
BS Applied Human Biology
(minor: Women's Studies)
"Pam, you have been an absolute joy to get to know over the past four years. Your passion, drive and persistence, in spite of the challenges you've faced, are truly inspirational." (Dr. Jenny Tenlen)

Anahi Tapia
BA Life Science
(minor: Psychology)
"Anahi, you have amazing resolve in the face of challenging classes and circumstances. Thank you for being a part of our biology community. Congratulations!" (Dr. John Douglass)

Jenna Tappe
BS Biology
"Jenna, I appreciated that you were always early to our Zoom classes and were always willing to share your experiences with our class. Congratulations on your graduation!" (Dr. Janet Bester-Meredith)

Sophia Tekorius
BS Cellular and Molecular Biology
BA Honors
(minor: Chemistry)
"Sophia, you have demonstrated tenacity during your time at SPU, particularly as the pandemic limited research opportunities. Congratulations on your graduation!" (Dr. Jenny Tenlen)

Jashley Terrado
BS Applied Human Biology
"Jashley, you have such a joyful personality that adds so much to our SPU community. Congratulations on your graduation!" (Dr. Janet Bester-Meredith)

Larisa Tutkur
BS Physiology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Larisa, you have shown what it looks like to work around obstacles and remain optimistic. Please share this positive outlook wherever you go!" (Dr. Charlotte Pratt)

Nasmil Valera Cuevas
BS Physiology
(minor: Bioethics and Humanities, Chemistry)
"Nasmil, I appreciate your thoughtful comments in class and your gentle spirit. Congratulations on your graduation and I anticipate great things for your future!" (Dr. Janet Bester-Meredith)

Elizabeth (Lizzie) VanBrunt
BS Cellular and Molecular Biology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Lizzie, you have made long-lasting contributions to SPU, not only as a student, but as a RA and lab prepper/TA. I will miss you!" (Dr. Jenny Tenlen)

Christy-Anne Villanueva
BS Applied Human Biology
"Christy-Anne, you think so deeply and intentionally about what you read. Best wishes as you move forward in your career!" (Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler)

Kelsey Washenberger
BS Applied Human Biology
BA Psychology
"Kelsey, you have an unflappable calm about you that will serve you well in graduate school. Thank you for your meticulous organizational skills as my BIO1859 and A&P TA!" (Dr. Elena Brezynski)

Rogan White
BS Physiology
(minor: Chemistry)
"Rogan, It has been a pleasure to have you as a student in my classes and to watch you strive toward your goal in medicine. I have no doubt that you will be successful in the medical field and will change lives for the better." (Dr. Cindy Bishop)

Kalkidan Yekuno
BS Physiology
(minors: Bioethics and Humanities, Chemistry)
"Kalkidan, you have accomplished so much during your time at SPU, and have made many contributions to SPU, as a student, researcher, peer mentor and tutor. Your high level of commitment and self-motivation are unmatched!" (Dr. Jenny Tenlen)

Jeremy Yuen
BS Applied Human Biology
(minor: Psychology)
"Jeremy, you were a joy to have in class. You are hardworking, intelligent, and respectful. These characteristics will bring you much success in the future!" (Dr. Janet Bester-Meredith)

Wanting Zhang
BA Biology
"Wanting, I have enjoyed getting to know you, and appreciate your willingness to try new things, as you have worked to discern your vocation. Your compassion and empathy will be valuable as you pursue a career as a school counselor!" (Dr. Jenny Tenlen)