
2017-2018 FRSG Recipients

David Anderson
English Choral Song

Randy Beavers
Executive Office Compensation in Initial Public Offerings

Jake Bently
Rehabilitation Psychology and Global Health

Matt Benton
Knowledge and Language

Wade Grabow
Characterization of a long-rang interaction

Yolanda Grandjean
RE-AIM Framework

Katie Douglas
Equipping congregations for cultural responsiveness

JJ Johnson Leese
Publication and Revision of PhD Dissertation

Munyi Shea & Paul Kim
Barriers to seek mental health counseling

Paul Kim
Developing a measure of racial microaggressions experienced on Christian campuses

Cara Wall-Scheffler
The evolutionary biology of the human pelvis

Daniel Castelo
T&T Clark Compaion to Pneumatology

Beverly Wilson
Empathy, heartrate, and cortisol in young children with autism spectrum disorder