
2016-2017 FRSG Recipients

Minhee Lee
Implementing Lanthanide’s Long-Lived Luminescence to Image RNA

Julie Antilla-Garza & Kristine Gritter
Growth Mindset and Language Finesse: Analyzing Structured Team Debates of Adolescent Migrant Workers

Paul Kim – Professional Help
Seeking Attitudes of Korean and Korean College Students: Underlying Mechanisms and Innovative Ideas for Practice

Don Lee
How do networks matter? A meta-analysis on the mediating mechanisms between inter-organizational networks and performance effects

Amy Mezulis
Stress and Somatic Symptoms in Young Adults
SPU Wellness Initiative

Karen Snedker
Therapeutic Justice: Crime, Treatment Courts and Mental Illness

Cara Wall-Scheffler
Human Evolution in New Creation

Daniel Castelo
Embodying Wesley’s Catholic Spirit

Christine Chaney
F.D. Maurice and the Theo-Poetics of 19th Century British Literature: A post-secular study

Kimberly Segall
Paradozical Crossings – Coping Tactics of Desperate Immigrants in Laila Lailami’s Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits