
Responsible Conduct of Research

RCR Overview

The SPU Institutional Review Board (IRB) should be your first stop for guidelines on how to protect the rights, health, and privacy of individuals who participate in research conducted through the University. Faculty who are required to complete Responsible Conduct of Research training as part of their grant submission can complete it in two ways:

If your research involves human subjects:

  • You must complete the the course and submit your certificate of completion to the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP@spu.edu).

If your research does not include human subjects:

  • The Collaborative institutional Training Initiative (CITI) offers training programs specifically designed for biomed, engineering, humanities, physical sciences and social, behavioral, and education sciences.

All researchers must take the following modules in their discipline.

  • Authorship
  • Collaborative Research
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Data Management
  • Mentoring
  • Peer Review
  • Research Misconduct

Researchers using non-human animals must complete the below module:

  • Using Animal Subjects in Research

Those conducting engineering-based research must complete two additional modules.

  • Environmental and Social Dimensions of Engineering Research
  • Whistleblowing and the Obligation to Protect the Public

Please contact the Chairs of the University Institutional Review Board, the Institutional Animal Use and Care Committee or the Office of Sponsored Programs for information on how to access these training modules.


Conflict of interest

If your granting agency requires you to complete conflict of interest training, you can meet this requirement by completing . 

The tutorial takes about 20 minutes to complete. Complete the required training tutorial and then print out and send the certificate of completion at the end of the tutorial to the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP@spu.edu).

See your grant proposal application instructions to see which members of the grant team are required to have RCR training.

To stay current, certificates must be updated at least every five years, unless the granting agency requires a more frequent education cycle. In addition, investigators must disclose any significant financial interests at least annually during the period of an NIH grant.