
Academic Leadership Cabinet

Vice President for Academic Affairs / Chief Academic Officer

The VPAA Leadership Team includes the leadership from departments from across the campus

Nyaradzo Mvududu

Nyaradzo Mvududu

Dean of the School of Education; Professor of Education

Email: nyaradzo@spu.edu
Phone: 206-281-2551
Ross Stewart

Ross Stewart

Dean of the School of Business, Government, and Economics; Professor of Accounting

Email: rstewart@spu.edu
Phone: 206-281-2900
​​Katy Tangenberg

Katy Tangenberg

Dean of the School of Psychology, Family, and Community; Professor of Social Welfare

Email: tangenbergk@spu.edu
Phone: 206-281-2940
Dean Lugioyo

Brian Lugioyo

Dean of the ; Professor of Theology and Ethics

Email: lugioyob@spu.edu
Phone: 206-281-2208

Andrew Ryder

Co-interim Dean, College of Arts and Sciences; Professor of Theatre Education
PhD, Bowling Green State University

Email: aryder@spu.edu
Phone: 206-281-2238
Office: Marston Hall 331

Rebekah Rice

Co-interim Dean, College of Arts and Sciences; Professor and Chair of Philosophy
PhD, Brown University

Email: ricer@spu.edu
Phone: 206-281-2080
Office:  213
Kenda Gaitlin

Kenda Gatlin

University Registrar

Email: kgatlin@spu.edu
Phone: 206-281-2569
Office: Demaray Hall 120
R. John Robertson thumbnail

R. John Robertson

Dean of the Library and Academic Innovation; Assistant Professor

Email: rjr@spu.edu
Phone: 206-281-2287
Office: Ames Library, 2nd Floor

Erla Champ-Gibson

Interim Dean of Nursing; Associate Professor of Nursing
PhD, Nursing Education, Washington State University

Email: champe@spu.edu
Phone: 206-281-2781
Office: SHS 212
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