
2015-2016 FRSG Recipients

Adam Arabian
Low-Cost Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand

Aaron Dingler
A Realistic Quantification of Performance in Nanomagnet Logic Systems

Katya Drozdova
Counterterrorism Strategies

Ryan Ferrer
Sandy Beaches, Algal Patches, and Animal Colonists

Kristine Gritter
Young Adult Literacy Practices in Quests

Mikyung Kim
Global Cities and Social Polarization

Scott Kolbo and Brian Chin
Improvisation and the Moving Image

Daniel Schofield
Why Is Bipyridine Planar?

Karen Snedker
Therapeutic Justice in Action 

Jennifer Tenlan and Eric Long
Are Blakely Island Deer Inbred?

Cara Wall-Scheffler
Biological Interpretation of Wesley’s Theology of New Creation