Limitations on Credit Applicable Toward a Degree
- ɬÀï·¬ will accept no more than 90 credits combined total from two-year colleges, unaccredited institutions, and approved testing programs such as AP, CLEP, IB. Of those 90 credits, no more than 45 credits may come from exam programs, including SPU's Credity by Exam.
- You may earn no more than 20 credits from other institutions after matriculating at SPU, with the exception of courses earned through a pre-approved study abroad program.
- At least 25 of your final 45 credits for the degree must be earned through SPU, with the exception of approved study abroad credits.
- Except when participating in approved study abroad, you may not take courses concurrently from SPU and another institution during the regular academic year (Autumn through Spring quarters).
- You may earn up to 10 credits toward a baccalaureate degree in skills courses approved by the SPU Curriculum Committee.
- You may enroll in 5000-level courses but they will not apply to undergraduate degree program requirements at SPU, nor are these courses eligible for financial aid.
- If you are a non-matriculated student, credits in excess of 45 taken will not apply toward a first undergraduate degree.
- If you are a non-matriculated student, credits in excess of 15 taken may not be applied to a post-baccalaureate degree.