
Women's Studies

WST 2350: Introduction to Women's Studies (5)


This course provides an introductory survey to the interdisciplinary field of Women's Studies, examining the social, cultural, political, economic and religious constructions of power and privilege that intersect to shape women's lives.

WST 3000: Issues in Women's Health (3)


Examines selected issues in women's health care, including issues within the existing health care system, ways to reclaim and reshape women's care for themselves, and sociopolitical activities that facilitate health care for women across the globe.

Equivalents: HSC 3000 Attributes: Upper-Division

WST 4940: Internship (1-5)


The internship in Women's Studies provides opportunities for students to integrate course learning with applied field experience working in a variety of contexts with women and/or women's issues. May be repeated for credit up to 6 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division

WST 4960: Independent Project (1-5)


A final, independent project in women's studies that consists of an individual research project, investigating some topic in depth. May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division