UFDN 1000: Christian Formation (5)
This course introduces the processes and practices of Christian formation, as reflected throughout the history of the Christian church. Christian life is formed by distinctive beliefs, practices, attitudes, and virtues. Every student, regardless of religious background, will engage texts, written and non-written, ancient and modern, that foster these characteristics of the Christian life.
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students only.
UFDN 2000: Christian Scripture (5)
Prerequisite: UFDN 1000. This course explores the formative role that Christian Scriptures perform within the community of believers. It seeks to introduce students to the literature and theology of both Old and New Testaments and to provide them with the necessary skills to make responsible use of Scripture as the church's principal authority in nurturing a Christian's faith and witness. Course cannot be taken for upper-division credit. May be repeated for credit 0 times.
Equivalents: UFDN 3001
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
Prerequisites: UFDN 1000: D or better
UFDN 3001: Christian Scripture for Transfer Students (5)
This course is only open to transfer students who begin their studies at SPU as juniors or seniors and is not open to any student who has completed UFDN 1000. (It is not intended for first-quarter students who have just completed the DTA associate degree through the Running Start Program.) This course explores the formative role that Christian Scriptures perform within the community of believers. It seeks to introduce students to the literature and theology of both Old and New Testaments and to provide them with the necessary skills to make responsible use of Scripture as the church's principal authority in nurturing a Christian's faith and witness.
Equivalents: UFDN 2000
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Junior, Post-Baccalaureate, Senior students only.
UFDN 3100: Christian Theology (5)
Prerequisite: UFDN 2000 or 3001. Studies the basic doctrines and practices of historic Christianity, such as the being, attributes, and workings of the Triune God; the nature, fallenness, and redemption of human beings; the character and mission of the church; the disciplines and duties of personal faith; and the hope for "last things." Attention will be given to major formative events and key persons in the history of the church that have helped to shape what Christians believe and how they live.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Junior, Post-Baccalaureate, Senior students only.
Prerequisites: (UFDN 2000: D or better
OR BIL 1220: D or better
OR UFDN 3001: D or better)
OR (THEO 3101: D or better
OR BIL 3101: D or better
OR BIL 2101: D or better)
OR (THEO 3201: D or better
OR BIL 3201: D or better)
OR (SPCC LFDN2: D or better
OR SPCC UFDN2: D or better)
OR SPF LDF2: D or better
OR SPF UDF2: D or better