

RUS 1100: Elementary Russian (1-15)


Study Abroad only.

RUS 2000: Russian Language Study: Elementary (6,9)


Study Abroad only.

Restrictions: Freshman, Non-Matriculated students are excluded.

RUS 2100: Beginning Russian I (5)


Builds proficiency in four basic skills: understanding, speaking, reading, and writing in the Russian language. Investigates Russian culture and its relationship to the language, as well as the Slavic culture in general. This course is on a first-year level. Offered alternate years.

Attributes: Foreign Language Comp

RUS 2105: Beginning Russian II (5)


Prerequisite: RUS 2100 or permission of instructor. Provides continued practice in reading, writing, understanding, and speaking Russian. This course continues the first-year level. Offered alternate years.

Attributes: Foreign Language Comp Prerequisites: RUS 2100: D or better OR Proficiency Russian: 20 or better

RUS 2106: Beginning Russian III (5)


Prerequisite: RUS 2105 or permission of instructor. A review of Russian pronunciation and grammar, with an emphasis on vocabulary building through reading Russian texts. This course completes the first-year level. Offered alternate years.

Attributes: Foreign Language Comp Prerequisites: RUS 2105: D or better OR Proficiency Russian: 21 or better

RUS 2207: Modern Russian Culture through Literature (5)


Focuses on Russian culture as seen through the works of such Russian writers as Mikhail Bulgakov, Viktor Pelevin, Ljudmila Petrushevskaya, and Tatyana Tolstaja. Taught in English with readings in Russian for students specializing in the Russian program or working on a Russian minor. Offered alternate years.

Attributes: Arts and Humanities B, WK Humanities

RUS 3000: Russian Language Study: Intermediate (6,9)


Study Abroad only.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman, Non-Matriculated students are excluded.

RUS 3100: Intermediate Russian I (5)


Prerequisite: RUS 2106 or permission of instructor. A review of the Russian case system and word growth through literary texts and multimedia materials. Offered alternate years.

Attributes: Arts and Humanities B, Upper-Division Prerequisites: RUS 2106: D or better OR Foreign Language Exempt: EXMPT or better OR Proficiency Russian: 60 or better OR Foreign Language Complete: C or better

RUS 3101: Intermediate Russian (1-15)


Study Abroad only.

Attributes: Upper-Division

RUS 3200: Intermediate Russian II (5)


Prerequisite: RUS 3100 or permission of instructor. This course continues the second-year level, but with more emphasis on conversation and grammar. Offered alternate years.

Attributes: Arts and Humanities B, Upper-Division Prerequisites: RUS 3100: D or better

RUS 3300: Intermediate Russian III (5)


Prerequisite: RUS 3100. This course continues the second-year level, but with emphasis on conversation and grammar. Offered alternate years.

Attributes: Arts and Humanities B, Upper-Division Prerequisites: RUS 3100: D or better

RUS 3920: Independent Readings: Intermediate Russian (1-5)


Ind Rdngs:Intermediate Russian May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division

RUS 4000: Russian Language Study: Advanced (6,9)


Study Abroad only.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman, Non-Matriculated students are excluded.

RUS 4101: Advanced Russian (1-15)


Study Abroad only.

Attributes: Upper-Division

RUS 4899: Russian Capstone (3)


This course serves as the capstone for the Russian Major, and it is designed around a study of linguistic features of contemporary standard Russian to aid students in understanding studying the language more effectively.

Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course Restrictions: Russian Studies Majors only.

RUS 4900: Independent Study (1-5)


Student works independently with a faculty member on a mutually agreed upon topic. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division

RUS 4920: Independent Readings: Advanced Russian (1-5)


Ind Rdngs:Advanced Russian May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division

RUS 4930: Russian Tutorial Practicum (1-6)


For advanced students who wish to assist in 2000-level Russian classes. Students assist in classroom instruction and conduct specific cultural research. May be repeated for credit up to 6 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division

RUS 4940: Coop Education: Russian Internship (1-10)


Applies the skills needed to communicate in Russian in varied employment settings. Students may suggest their own internships in consultation with the faculty supervisor as long as use of the target language is part of the employment situation and other internship criteria are met. May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.

Attributes: Upper-Division