Engineering Science
EGR 1010: Science and Technology: How Things Work (5)
In this course students will work in teams to explore the scientific principles behind modern technology. Students will analyze modern devices and systems such as engines, motors, aircraft, smart phones, computers and bridges to discover the basic science behind the core technologies. In addition, students will apply scientific knowledge to design new solutions for current challenges the world is facing.
Attributes: WK Applied Science
EGR 1125: Engineering Study Preparation (1)
Designed to provide additional skill sets in math problem solving, test taking and study habits. Students will develop an individualized study/work plan to ensure engineering success. Required for Electrical Engineering and General Engineering majors taking Calculus II who received a grade of C or lower in Calculus I and/or for those who are taking Calculus I in winter quarter. Required for Electrical Engineering, General Engineering majors, and Computer Engineering majors taking Calculus III who received a grade of C or lower in Calculus II. May be repeated for credit up to 4 credits.
EGR 1402: Introduction to Engineering I (1)
The goal of this course is to develop and broaden the students' understanding and appreciation of the engineering profession. It is intended for lower division students interested in exploring engineering. Students will explore various engineering disciplines, learn about design and problem solving processes, and participate in team design projects.
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EGR 1501: Computer Aided Design Applications for Engineers (1)
This course introduces the fundamentals needed to use Computer Aided Design programs including parametric design, assembling, and creating drawing for communicating designs for manufacturing. Extra fee.
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EGR 1502: Machining and Fabricating (1)
Prerequisite: C- or higher in EGR 1501. This course will instruct in principles of machining, metal cutting, and fabrication using modern machine tools, hand tools and precision measuring instruments. It will include instruction in common machine tools such as drilling machines, lathes, and milling machines and metal fabrication by sheet metal work and welding (MIG). Emphasis will be placed on safe operation of tools, work planning, part design for manufacturability, and use of CAD tools for part layout in preparation for manufacturing. Extra Fee.
Restrictions: Apprp/Sustainable Engineer-INT, Eng. and Applied Science-INT, Engineering Science-INT, General Engineering-INT, Mechanical Engineering-INT, Physical Science-INT Majors only. Freshman students only.
Prerequisites: EGR 1501: C- or better
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EGR 1503: Engineering Tools and Systems (1)
C- or better in EGR 1502. An overview of common tools and techniques used in the design, operation, and analysis of engineering, instrumentation, and manufacturing systems. Extra Fee.
Restrictions: Apprp/Sustainable Engineer-INT, Eng. and Applied Science-INT, Engineering Science-INT, General Engineering-INT, Mechanical Engineering-INT, Physical Science-INT Majors only. Freshman students only.
Prerequisites: EGR 1502: C- or better
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EGR 2200: Engineering Probability and Statistics (3)
Prerequisite: MAT 1235. Introduces students to concepts of probability and statistics along with methodology for applying these to engineering applications.
Equivalents: MAT 2200
Prerequisites: MAT 1235: D or better
EGR 2726: Introduction to Electric Circuits (5)
Prerequisite: MAT 1234 or MAT 1221. An introduction to electrical engineering by learning the foundational concepts of electrical circuits. Engineering is presented as a way to fulfill Christ's call to serve the world. Includes theory and application of: Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws with voltage/current sources; introduction to operational amplifiers, ideal transformers, inductance, capacitance, first-order circuits (both DC and AC), and first-order frequency responses. Includes lab problems, short design project, and introduction to circuit simulation and MATLAB computer software.
Attributes: WK Applied Science
Prerequisites: MAT 1234: D or better
OR MAT 1221: D or better
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EGR 2891: Statics (4)
Prerequisites: PHY 1121, and MAT 1235. PHY 1121 may be taken concurrently. A study of vector forces and their analysis, equilibrium of particles and of rigid bodies, structural analysis and internal forces, distributed forces, center of gravity and centroids. Extra fee.
Prerequisites: PHY 1121 can be taken concurrently: D or better
AND MAT 1234: D or better
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EGR 3000: Engineering Seminar and Internship Preparation (1)
Seminar and group discussion on topics related to the development of professional skills to prepare students for an engineering career. Includes discussion of engineering and SPU's mission, leadership styles, workplace ethics, internship and resume preparation, interviewing skills development, and exploration of internship job opportunities.
Attributes: Upper-Division
EGR 3211: Acoustics (5)
Prerequisites: (PHY 1101, 1102, and 1103 or PHY 1121, 1122, and 1123), and MAT 3237 and MAT 3238. EGR 3500 is preferred.A first course for engineering and physics students in the field of Acoustics. This course will cultivate a foundational understanding of fundamental acoustical principles such as simple harmonic oscillators, simple source radiation, lumped element analysis, wave propagation, sound fields in bounded and unbounded spaces, and human response to noise. Applications will include Helmholtz resonators, loudspeaker enclosures, room acoustics, and environmental noise analysis.
Equivalents: PHY 3211
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: (PHY 1101: D or better
AND PHY 1102: D or better
AND PHY 1103: D or better
OR PHY 1121: D or better
AND PHY 1122: D or better
AND PHY 1123: D or better)
AND MAT 3237: D or better
AND MAT 3238: D or better
EGR 3300: Properties of Materials (3)
Prerequisite: CHM 1211. Studies the fundamental principles of structure and properties of materials that are utilized in the practice of engineering. Properties of materials are related to atomic, molecular, and crystalline structure. Discusses metals, ceramics, multiphase systems, and polymeric materials. Covers relationships between structure and electrical, mechanical, thermal, chemical properties and the decisions made for their use in engineered systems and material selection in engineering design.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: CHM 1211: D or better
EGR 3310: Mechanics of Materials (4)
Prerequisites: EGR 1501 and a C- or better in 2891. EGR 1501 can be taken concurrently. This course builds on and integrates with concepts introduced in prior coursework in static systems. Studies stress and strain, properties of materials, axial load, torsion, bending, shear, strain and stress transformations, deflections of beams and shafts. Extra fee.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: EGR 2891: C- or better
AND EGR 1501 can be taken concurrently: D or better
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EGR 3311: Advanced Physics Lab (3)
Prerequisites: PHY 1103 or PHY 1123. Laboratory applications of electronics and instrumentation. Special emphasis will be given to experimental automation and data analysis using LabView.
Equivalents: PHY 3311
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: PHY 1103: D or better
OR PHY 1123: D or better
EGR 3400: Dynamics (5)
Prerequisites: A C- or better in EGR 3310, MAT 2401, and MAT 3237, or permission of Instructor. This course builds on concepts introduced in prior coursework in static systems and engineering mechanics. It includes solving problems of kinematics and kinetics for particles and rigid bodies using energy, momentum, and angular momentum conservation laws. Extra fee.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: MAT 2401: C- or better
AND MAT 3237: C- or better
AND EGR 2891: C- or better
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EGR 3402: Introduction to Engineering II (2)
Required for all transfer engineering students who do not take EE 2726 at SPU, this course is an introduction to the SPU engineering program. It provides instruction on the software and hardware that is utilized in the labs at ɬÀï·¬, which is normally covered in beginning classes. Included is the discussion of a Christian worldview, and its implications for engineers.
Attributes: Upper-Division
EGR 3430: System Dynamics (5)
Prerequisite: MAT 3237, EGR 3400, and EE 2726. Studies mathematical modeling, analysis, and design of physical dynamic systems involving energy storage and transfer by lumped-parameter linear elements. Time -domain and frequency domain treatments are explored using both analytical methods and numerical simulation.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: MAT 3237: D or better
AND EE 2726: D or better
AND (EGR 3400: D or better
OR EGR 3841: D or better)
EGR 3500: Thermo-Fluids I (5)
Prerequisites: PHY 1122 and MAT 1235. A first course for engineering and physics students in the thermal-fluid sciences, designed to introduce students to the subject of thermodynamics. Topics include properties, open and closed systems, and the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics. Power, refigeration, and heat pump cycles.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: PHY 1122: D or better
AND MAT 1235: D or better
EGR 3501: Thermo-Fluids II (5)
Prerequisite: EGR 3500 and MAT 3238 (May be taken concurrently). A continuing course for engineering and physics students in the thermal-fluid sciences. This course will focus on fluid mechanics. Topics include kinematics of fluid motion, fluid statics, and integral analysis of fluid dynamics, internal and external flow, including elements of boundary layer theory and dimensional analysis.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: (EGR 3500 can be taken concurrently: D or better
OR EGR 2500: D or better)
AND MAT 3238 can be taken concurrently: D or better
EGR 3502: Thermo-Fluids III (4)
Prerequisite: EGR 3500, and MAT 3238. MAT 3238 may be taken concurrently. A continuing course for engineering and physics students in the thermo-fluids sciences. This course will focus on heat transfer by conduction, convection, and radiation.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: (EGR 3500: D or better
OR EGR 2500: D or better)
AND MAT 3238 can be taken concurrently: D or better
EGR 3611: Appropriate and Sustainable Engineering I: Alternative Energy Systems (0,5)
Prerequisite: EE 2726. Introduces different energy sources and investigates methods to convert this energy into a useful form. Energy sources that are investigated, designed, built and tested include solar, wind, hydropower, and hydrogen fuel cells. Includes examples of the use of each of these power sources. Extra fee.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: EE 2726: D or better
EGR 3612: Appropriate and Sustainable Engineering II (4)
Prerequisites: A C- or better in EGR 3501, EGR 3611, and CHM 1211. Advanced topics in appropriate and sustainable engineering, covering topics relevant to engineers focused on sustainable technologies with emphasis on the developing world.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
Prerequisites: EGR 3501: C- or better
AND (EGR 3611: D or better
OR EGR 3550: D or better
OR EGR 3650: D or better)
AND CHM 1211: D or better
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EGR 3614: Appropriate and Sustainable Engineering III (4)
Prerequisites: A C- or better in EGR 3612, EGR 3502. Advanced topics in appropriate and sustainable engineering, covering topics relevant to engineers focused on sustainable technologies, with emphasis on applications for the developing world.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: EGR 3502: D or better
AND EGR 3612: C- or better
EGR 3800: Biomedical Engineering I (5)
Prerequisites: BIO 2101 and EE 2726, or special permission of instructor. Introduction to the history of biomedical engineering, biosensors, bioelectric phenomena, bioinstrumentation, biosignal processing, biomechanics, cardiovascular mechanics and ultrasound.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: BIO 2101: D or better
AND EE 2726: D or better
EGR 3810: General Engineering Design (5)
Prerequisite: EGR 3310, 4410 or CSC 3150, or instructor approval. Team design and construction of industrial or self-designed projects in partnership with electrical and computer engineers. Typical projects require the analysis, design, and selection of mechanical and electromechanical subsystems and elements. Required components include formal documentation and the use of project management tools and principles. Interdisciplinary projects are encouraged. All projects require oral and written reports. Includes review and analysis of professional papers within a student's discipline. Includes project teaming with business students from the Operations Management course.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Computer Engineering, General Engineering Majors only. Junior, Post-Baccalaureate, Senior students only.
Prerequisites: (EGR 3310: D or better
OR EGR 3391: D or better)
OR EGR 4410: D or better
OR CSC 3150: D or better
EGR 4410: Mechanical Design (3)
Prerequisites: C- or better in EGR 3400 and EGR 3502. EGR 3400 may be taken concurrently. An integrated, design and analysis course utilizing applications of mechanics and thermal-fluids systems to the design and test of complex systems.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: EGR 3400 can be taken concurrently: C- or better
AND EGR 3502: C- or better
EGR 4450: Control Systems Design (5)
Prerequisite: EGR 3430 or EE 3410. Analog control system design using root locus, frequency and PID methods. Introduction to digital control, includes real time digital control. Appropriate software tools are used extensively as design tools. Extra Fee.
Equivalents: EE 4450
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: EGR 3430: D or better
AND (EE 3410: D or better
OR EGR 3410: D or better)
EGR 4510: Thermo-Fluids IV (3)
Prerequisite: EGR 3502. A continuing course for engineering and physics students in the thermo-fluid sciences this course will introduce advanced topics and provide practical applications that highlight the connections between thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. It will include open-ended problems and hands-on experiments to demonstrate and facilitate the understanding of key principles.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: EGR 3502: D or better
EGR 4610: Systems Design (4)
Provides an analysis and design of engineered systems as they relate to their appropriate application and environmental, economic, and societal sustainability. Students will use a systematic approach, including life cycle assessment, and explore impacts on society, including public policy.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Science Majors only.
EGR 4811: Engineering Senior Design I (3)
Prerequisite: EGR 3810 or EE 3730. Student teams begin a system level design of a project (a nondisclosure agreement may be required). Projects will be selected from a variety of topics. Students provide detailed schedules for building prototype systems and present periodic progress reports. During the course, students produce a technical specification, undergo several design reviews and design a prototype system.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: EGR 3810: D or better
OR (EE 3730: D or better
OR EGR 3730: D or better)
EGR 4812: Engineering Senior Design II (3)
Prerequisite: EGR 4811. Student teams continue to implement and refine the prototype design from EGR 4811. Teams write detailed technical reports and submit their designs to design reviews. Periodic progress reports and team presentations are required.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: EGR 4811: D or better
EGR 4899: Engineering Capstone and Senior Design (3-5)
Prerequisite: EGR 4812. In this capstone course, designs from EGR 4812 are developed into a manufacturing prototype and tested. The course covers testing methodology, redesign, and documentation methodology. Teams author operations manuals and detailed technical manuals. Periodic progress reports and final presentations are required. Includes study of vocation in engineering, writing reflective responses, and preparation of a multimedia portfolio of major projects students have finished. May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: General Engineering Majors only.
Prerequisites: EGR 4812: D or better
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EGR 4900: Independent Study in Engineering (1-5)
Student does an independent study under direction of a faculty member. Study of problems in a topic for which related courses have been completed. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
EGR 4910: Washington State FE/EIT Preparation (1)
Seminar review of principles and problem solving in math, ethics, engineering, economics, circuits, engineering economics, and discipline specific areas depending on engineering major (EE/CPE or GE). This is to assist students in preparation for the FE/EIT exam. Extra fee.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EGR 4930: Engineering Applications in Industry (1-10)
Provides pre-arranged coordinated field experience in engineering employment in industry. A coordinating committee plans the program with the student and evaluates the learning experience. May be repeated for credit up to 10 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
EGR 4940: Engineering Internship (1-5)
Prerequisite: EE 3000 or EGR 3000. Internship is normally a paid summer job with an engineering company or a university research lab. Other career-related job experiences may be considered. Students will give a written and oral presentation of their work the following Autumn Quarter. The job is fully coordinated between the intern's faculty advisor and an engineer in the host company. The jobs are intended to be a professional learning experience for the student.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Prerequisites: EE 3000: D or better
OR EGR 3000: D or better
EGR 4950: Special Topics: General Engineering (1-5)
An advanced course studying a special interest topic in general engineering. Topics and credits may vary between offerings.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Science, General Engineering Majors only. Freshman students are excluded.