Electrical Engineering
EE 1210: Introduction to Logic System Design (0,5)
Introduction to digital logic design including combinational and sequential logic design. Combinational logic covers truth tables, Boolean algebra, logic gates, Karnaugh maps, multiplexers, decoders, encoders, programmable logic and memories. Sequential logic covers latches, flip-flops, clocks, registers, counters, finite state machines, CPLDs and FPGAs. Special emphasis is placed on design techniques. Laboratory exercises include designs using both discrete gates and FPGAs. Extra fee.
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EE 2726: Electric Circuits I (0,4)
Prerequisite: MAT 1236 (can be taken concurrently). Study of Basic Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws with voltage/current sources. Introduction to operational amplifiers, ideal transformers, inductance, capacitance, first-order circuits (both DC and AC) and first-order Bode plots. Includes lab problems, short design project, and introduction to circuit simulation and MATLAB computer software. The first of a three-course sequence in which the engineer as servant is discussed. Extra Fee.
Prerequisites: MAT 1236 can be taken concurrently: D or better
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EE 2727: Electric Circuits II (0,4)
Prerequisites: A C- or better in EE 2726, MAT 3237 (MAT 3237 can be taken concurrently). Introduction to nodal and mesh analysis, power transfer, source transformations, Thevenin's and Norton's theorems and superposition. Introduction to second-order circuits (both DC and AC), including resonance, higher-order Bode plots, complex power and balanced three-phase power. Includes lab problems, short design project, circuit simulation and MATLAB. Extra Fee.
Prerequisites: EE 2726: C- or better
AND MAT 3237 can be taken concurrently: D or better
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EE 3028: Electric Circuits III (0,4)
Prerequisite: A C- or better in EE 2727. Recommended: EE 1210 and MAT 2401. Introduction to active analog filtering, Laplace transforms, pole-zero concepts, state variable analysis, transformers, and two-port theory. The lab portion includes the use of circuit simulation, and MATLAB. Includes a significant team-based design project. Extra Fee.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: EE 2727: C- or better
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EE 3280: Microcontroller System Design (5)
Prerequisites: EE 1210 and EE/CSC/CPE 3760. Design of hardware and software for embedded systems using a modern microcontroller. Covers hardware interfacing including memory system design, interrupt interfacing, and use of internal and external peripheral devices. Emphasis is placed on assembly language programming of the microcontroller including device drivers, exception and interrupt handling, and interfacing with higher-level languages. Laboratory exercises require assembly language programming and hardware design. Extra fee.
Equivalents: CPE 3280
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: EE 1210: D or better
AND (EE 3760: D or better
OR CSC 3760: D or better
OR CPE 3760: D or better)
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EE 3315: Electricity and Magnetism I (3)
Prerequisites: MAT 3237 and (PHY 1103 or PHY 1123). The first of a two-course sequence, this course studies electrostatics, magnetostatics, boundary conditions, electromagnetic waves, and introduction to applications such as skin effect, reflections, waveguides, antennas and optics.
Equivalents: PHY 3315
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: MAT 3237: D or better
AND (PHY 1103: D or better
OR PHY 1123: D or better)
EE 3410: Signal and System Analysis (5)
Prerequisites: EE 2727, MAT 2401, MAT 3237 and familiarity with MATLAB computer software. EE 3028 is also a preferred prerequisite. Characterization of linear systems by impulse response, convolution and transfer function. Study of linear differential equations and linear difference equations as models. Study of continuous and discrete signals including filters and their effects. Uses transform methods including Fourier series and transforms, FFT, Laplace transforms and Z transforms. Includes computer problems. Extra fee.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: EE 2727: D or better
AND EE 3028: D or better
AND MAT 2401: D or better
AND (MAT 3237: D or better
OR MAT 1228: D or better)
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EE 3500: Introduction to Power Systems (5)
Prerequisite: EE 2727. Three-phase power generation, transmission and distribution systems. Safety and electric code standards. Practical training in material and component selection for commercial and industrial applications.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: EE 2727: D or better
EE 3510: Introduction to Power Electronics (4)
Prerequisite: EE 3722. Studies technologies and techniques used to control the flow of electrical power in the context of the larger issues of electric energy use and society. Studies semiconductor switching devices and their central role in efficient power conversion, utility input rectification (AC-DC), switch mode DC-DC and DC-AC conversion (including application to motor drives and UPS), switch-mode DC power supplies including the design of feedback controllers, and Soft Switching. Includes laboratory exercises.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: EE 3722: D or better
EE 3550: Communication System Analysis (5)
Prerequisite: EE 2727 and 1210 (EE 1210 may be taken concurrently). An introduction to principles of modern communication systems with an emphasis on current technological applications. Covers basics such as transmission media (electrical, optical and wireless), analog and digital signaling techniques, data encoding methods and multiplexing mechanisms. Modern communication protocols for networks and radio links are analyzed. High-level issues such as security, encryption, and cellular management are studied. Extra fee.
Equivalents: CPE 3550
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: EE 2727: D or better
AND EE 1210 can be taken concurrently: D or better
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EE 3721: Electronics I - Analog Devices and Circuits (0,5)
Prerequisite: EE 2727. Study of electronic devices and basic circuit configurations. Topics covered include operational amplifiers, diodes, AC to DC conversion, amplifier principles, bipolar junction transistors, BJT amplifiers, frequency response and differential amplifiers. Includes project teaming with business students from the Operations Management course. Includes lab problems. Extra Fee.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: EE 2727: D or better
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EE 3722: Electronics II Analog Electronics (0,5)
Prerequisite: EE 3721. Studies field effect transistors, FET amplifiers, frequency response, feedback, output stages and power amplifiers, operational amplifier design, and introduces power electronics and PCB design. Continues project teaming with business students from the Operations Management course. Introduces formal design documentation via lab experience. Extra Fee.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: EE 3721: D or better
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EE 3730: Engineering Design (0,5)
Prerequisite: EE 3722. Team design and construction of industrial or self-designed projects. Typical projects require analog and digital electronic circuit design, development, construction and testing as well as teaming with General Engineering students. Required components include formal documentation and the use of project management tools and principles. Interdisciplinary projects are encouraged. All projects require oral and written reports. Includes review and analysis of professional papers within a student's discipline. Includes project teaming with business students from the Operations Management course. Extra fee.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Prerequisites: EE 3722: D or better
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EE 3760: Computer Organization and Assembly Language (5)
Prerequisites: CSC 2430 and EE 1210. Study of organization and structuring of the major hardware and software components of computers. Includes mechanics of information transfer and control within a digital computer system. Introduces computer architecture, machine instruction sets and assembly language programming.
Equivalents: CPE 3760, CSC 3760
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: CSC 2430: D or better
AND EE 1210: D or better
EE 4211: Electrical Engineering Senior Design I (3)
Prerequisites: EE/CPE 3280 and EE/EGR 3730. Study of mixed digital and analog system design, including embedded software design. Student teams begin a system level design of a project (a nondisclosure agreement may be required). Students provide detailed schedules for building prototype systems and present periodic progress reports. During the course, students produce a technical specification, undergo several design reviews and design a printed circuit board for a prototype system. Extra fee.
Equivalents: CPE 4211
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: (EE 3280: D or better
OR CPE 3280: D or better)
AND (EE 3730: D or better
OR EGR 3730: D or better)
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EE 4212: Electrical Engineering Senior Design II (3)
Prerequisite: CPE/EE 4211. Continued study of mixed digital and analog system design, including embedded software design. Student teams continue to implement and refine the prototype hardware and software designs from EE/CPE 4211. Teams write detailed technical reports and submit their designs to design reviews. Periodic progress reports and team presentations are required. Extra fee.
Equivalents: CPE 4212
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: (CPE 4211: D or better
OR EE 4211: D or better
OR EE 4102: D or better)
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EE 4311: Optics and Lasers (5)
Prerequisite: PHY 1103 or 1123. General theory of geometrical optics, physical optics, fiber optics and optical devices. Lectures and laboratory each week. Offered alternate years.
Equivalents: PHY 4311
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: PHY 1103: D or better
OR PHY 1123: D or better
EE 4410: Embedded and Fixed Point Digital Signal Processing (3)
Prerequisites: EE 3410 and (EE 3760 or CPE 3760 or CSC 3760). In this course, students will use embedded systems to implement signal-processing algorithms including convolution, FFT, IIR and FIR filters and others. Concepts will be modeled using a variety of methods and implemented using lower-level programming languages. Fixed-point systems will be studied and used to implement digital filters. The course will include a project integrating the course ideas.
Attributes: Upper-Division
EE 4450: Control System Design (5)
Prerequisite: A C- or better in EE 3028 and 3410. Analog control system design using root locus, frequency and PID methods. Introduction to digital control, includes real time digital control. MATLAB and Labview are used extensively as design tools. Extra fee.
Equivalents: EGR 4450
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Electrical Engineering, General Engineering Majors only.
Prerequisites: (EE 3410: C- or better
OR EGR 3410: C- or better)
AND EE 3028: C- or better
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EE 4491: Solid State Physics (2-5)
Prerequisite: PHY 2321. Focuses on lattice statics and dynamics, electrons and Fermi surfaces, transport phenomena, semiconductors and superconductivity. Offered alternate years.
Equivalents: PHY 4491
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: PHY 2321: D or better
EE 4560: Wireless Communication Systems (3)
Prerequisite: EE 3550. Students study radio frequency (RF) and other wireless communications systems with an emphasis on current methods and standards. Transmission and reception concepts including high- and low-gain antennas, power budget and analysis, attenuation, interference, fading and bandwidth are studied. Modern wireless communications protocols used for mobile telephones, computer networking and broadcast radio/television are explored in detail. Extra fee.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: (EE 3550: D or better
OR CPE 3550: D or better
OR CPE 4550: D or better
OR EE 4501: D or better)
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EE 4899: Electrical Engineering Capstone and Senior Design (3)
Prerequisite: EE/CPE 4212. In this capstone course designs from EE/CPE 4212 are developed into a manufacturing prototype and tested. Covers testing methodology (hardware and software), board debugging and documentation methodology. Teams author detailed technical manuals. Periodic progress reports and final presentations are required. Includes study of vocation in engineering, writing reflective responses, and preparation of a multimedia portfolio of major projects students have finished. Extra fee.
Equivalents: CPE 4899
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Prerequisites: (CPE 4212: D or better
OR EE 4212: D or better
OR EE 4201: D or better)
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
EE 4900: Independent Study (1-5)
Student works independently with a faculty member on a mutually agreed upon topic. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
EE 4930: Practicum (1-5)
Practicum May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
EE 4950: Topics in Electrical Engineering (1-5)
An advanced course studying a special interest topic in electrical engineering. Topics and credits may vary between offerings. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Electrical Engineering, Engineering Science, General Engineering Majors only. Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
EE 4960: Senior Project (1-5)
Student works with faculty advisor on a mutually agreed upon project. Requires submission of application to EE chair three weeks prior to the start of the quarter. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division