Education: Special (EDSP)
EDSP 3107: Exceptionality in the Classroom (3)
Prerequisite: PSY 2470. This course will examine various disabilities of both high and low incidence. Investigation and research will be used to analyze areas of exceptionality starting with etiology, moving through to instructional strategies, generalization and inclusion. Psychological and social roles as well as family involvement will also be explored.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman students are excluded.
Prerequisites: PSY 2470: D or better
EDSP 4642: Individual Education Programs (3)
Prerequisite: EDSP 3107. Classroom presentation centers on the interaction of children with disabilities and the school. Topics include federal and state regulations for the education of the disabled; procedures for referral, diagnosis and placement; formation of individual education programs, service models, task analysis and sequencing of skills; formation and evaluation of behavioral objectives; selection of instructional materials and methodology; and classroom organization. Emphasis on the importance of the role of the family in the individual education program planning process is a critical point to the course.
Equivalents: EDSP 6642
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: EDSP 3107 can be taken concurrently: D or better
EDSP 4646: Severe Disabilities (3)
Prerequisite: EDSP 3107. This course will examine the characteristics of individuals identified with severe disabilities to include: definition and classification systems, etiology, theoretical approaches, educational diagnosis, instructional strategies, application, related supports and family and community issues.
Equivalents: EDSP 6646
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: EDSP 3107 can be taken concurrently: D or better
EDSP 4648: Teaching Students with Emotional and Behavior Disorders (3)
Prerequisite: EDSP 3107. Provides special educators with background and knowledge related to characteristics of children and youth at-risk diagnosed with emotional and behavior disorders. This course will examine preventative strategies for children at-risk and study behavioral approaches for preventing and managing behavior. Etiology, medical and educational diagnosis, methodologies, application, family and community issues will be investigated.
Equivalents: EDSP 6648
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: EDSP 3107 can be taken concurrently: D or better
EDSP 4651: Special Education Assessment (3)
Prerequisite: EDSP 3107. Teaches diagnostic and evaluative procedures commonly used with children experiencing special needs. Includes construction of curriculum based assessment and criterion referenced tests; use and interpretation of formal and informal tests, and ethical protocol and related issues will be closely examined and practiced. Family dynamics and participation is also a vital aspect of this course.
Equivalents: EDSP 6651
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: EDSP 3107 can be taken concurrently: D or better
EDSP 4652: Disabilities of Learning and Attention (3)
Prerequisite: EDSP 3107. Studies the characteristics and unique talants and needs associated with learning disabilities and attention disorders. This will include definitions, etiologies, characteristics, theoretical approaches, educational management, instructional strategies, application, and inclusion of children with learning disabilities and attention disorders. Family and community involvement will be investigated.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: EDSP 3107 can be taken concurrently: D or better
EDSP 4653: Teaching Reading to Exceptional Students (3)
Prerequisite: EDSP 3107 or permission of instructor. Focuses on diagnosis of reading strengths and weaknesses; correlates of reading problems; and analysis and selection of methods and materials for reading instruction of children with special needs. These strategies will also examine children who speak English as their second language.
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: EDSP 3107 can be taken concurrently: D or better
EDSP 4657: Behavior Management (3)
Prerequisite: EDSP 3107. Focuses on an in-depth explanation of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and classroom management strategies. The strengths and application of using ABA will be investigated. Specifics of how behaviors are identified, analyzed and used to provide positive behavior intervention plans are explored and implemented. Family involvement will be a key focus to the success of the child.
Equivalents: EDSP 6657
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: EDSP 3107: D or better
EDSP 4899: Issues in Special Education - Capstone (3)
Prerequisite: EDSP 3107. This capstone course will explore major trends and issues affecting special education, including the rights of the disabled, emerging trends in educational services and major issues surrounding the quality of life of self-determination and independence of individuals with disabilities.
Equivalents: EDSP 6658
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Restrictions: Special Education Majors only.
Prerequisites: EDSP 3107: D or better
EDSP 4900: Independent Study (1-5)
Prerequisites: EDSP 3107. May be repeated for credit up to 5 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: EDSP 3107: D or better
EDSP 4943: Elementary Special Education Internship A (1-18)
Prerequisite: EDSP 3107. Observation and daily teaching in special education in the elementary schools under the direction of a cooperating teacher. Extra fee. May be repeated for credit up to 18 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman, Junior, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: EDSP 3107: D or better
UG Education Intern Fee (non-refundable)
EDSP 4944: Elementary Special Education Internship B (1-18)
Second quarter of a special education internship. Observation and daily teaching in special education in the elementary schools under the direction of a cooperating teacher. Extra fee. May be repeated for credit up to 18 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman, Junior, Sophomore students are excluded.
UG Education Intern Fee (non-refundable)
EDSP 4948: Secondary Special Education Internship A (1-18)
Prerequisite: EDSP 3107. Provides opportunity for observation and daily teaching in special education sections in the public schools under the direction of a master teacher. Extra fee. May be repeated for credit up to 18 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman, Junior, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: EDSP 3107: D or better
UG Education Intern Fee (non-refundable)
EDSP 4949: Secondary Special Education Internship B (1-18)
Prerequisite: EDSP 4948. See Integrated and Internship quarters program prerequisites. Provides opportunity for observation and daily teaching in special education under the direction of a master teacher. Extra fee. May be repeated for credit up to 18 credits.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman, Junior, Sophomore students are excluded.
Prerequisites: EDSP 4948: D or better
UG Education Intern Fee (non-refundable)
EDSP 4950: Topics in Special Education (3)
Explores selected topics in special education.
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded.