
Education: Reading

EDRD 2000: Reading I: Psychology of Reading (3)


Explores the current theories of literacy development , with a focus on the cognitive process involved in learning to read and write. Among the topics to be covered are the linguistics and non-linguistic bases of reading, word recognition, reading fluency, reading comprehension, and reading disabilities (dyslexia) and the impact of home and school environments on language and literacy development.

EDRD 3200: Reading II: Reading and Language Arts Methods (2)


Prerequisite: EDRD 2000. Explores current research and best practices in teaching reading using strategies that work with the big 5. Addresses emergent reader activities, comprehension activities, standards-based instruction, formative and summative assessments, anaysis and use of instructional materials and strategies. Students will design lesson plans based on standards to teach reading.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: EDRD 2000: D or better

EDRD 3516: Children's Literature (3)


Examines the variety and richness of literature available for children preschool through eighth grade; presents major genres and notable authors and illustrators; and develops familiarity with varied responses to literature adaptable for classroom use.

Attributes: Arts and Humanities B, Upper-Division

EDRD 3517: Young Adult Literature (3)


A study of young adult literature, including intensive reading in the best of this literature and application of both critical and pedagogical strategies to the reading.

Attributes: Arts and Humanities B, Upper-Division

EDRD 3530: Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum (2)


Prerequisite: EDU 2104. Provides a functional approach to content-centered instruction that will prepare preservice teachers to teach content, reading and writing skills simultaneously. Emphasis is placed on the application of skills that middle, junior and senior high school readers must make to learn content from a variety of sources and materials.

Attributes: Upper-Division Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore students are excluded. Prerequisites: EDU 2104: D or better

EDRD 4200: Reading III: Intervention for Struggling Readers (2)


Prerequisite: EDRD 3200. Students will review and further investigate possible causes of reading problems, including inappropriate reading instruction. Examines current research in best practices and programs for struggling readers at various levels of their schooling. Students will focus on a struggling reader during this quarter of their internship to develop a plan and carry out instruction to improve the student's reading and writing achievement.

Attributes: Upper-Division Prerequisites: EDRD 3200: D or better