Computer Engineering
CPE 3280: Microcontroller System Design (5)
Prerequisites: EE 1210 and EE/CSC/CPE 3760. Design of hardware and software for embedded systems using a modern microcontroller. Covers hardware interfacing, interrupt interfacing, and use of internal and external peripheral devices. Emphasis is placed on programming of the microcontroller including device drivers, exception and interrupt handling, and interfacing with higher-level languages. Laboratory exercises require programming and hardware design.Extra Fee.
Equivalents: EE 3280
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: EE 1210: D or better
AND (EE 3760: D or better
OR CSC 3760: D or better
OR CPE 3760: D or better)
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
CPE 3350: Operating Systems Programming (3)
Prerequisites: CSC 3750 or CSC 3760 or CPE 3760 or EE 3760 (may be taken concurrently), and a C- or higher in CSC 2431. Introduction to operating systems and systems programming. Surveys systems software; operating system interface and functions; utilities and shell programming; linkers and loaders; translators; and processes, concurrency and concurrent programming.
Equivalents: CSC 3350
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: CSC 2431: C- or better
AND (CSC 3750 can be taken concurrently: D or better
OR CSC 3760 can be taken concurrently: D or better
OR EE 3760 can be taken concurrently: D or better
OR CPE 3760 can be taken concurrently: D or better)
CPE 3550: Communication System Analysis (5)
Prerequisite: EE 2727 and 1210 (EE 1210 may be taken concurrently). An introduction to principles of modern communication systems with an emphasis on current technological applications. Covers basics such as transmission media (electrical, optical and wireless), analog and digital signaling techniques, data encoding methods and multiplexing mechanisms. Modern communication protocols for networks and radio links are analyzed. High-level issues such as security, encryption, and cellular management are studied. Extra fee.
Equivalents: EE 3550
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: EE 2727: D or better
AND EE 1210 can be taken concurrently: D or better
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
CPE 3760: Computer Organization and Assembly Language (5)
Prerequisites: (CSC 2330 or CSC 2430) and EE 1210. Studies organization and structuring of the major hardware components of computers. Includes mechanics of information transfer and control within a digital computer system. Introduces computer architecture, machine instruction sets and assembly language programming.
Equivalents: EE 3760, CSC 3760
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: CSC 2430: D or better
AND EE 1210: D or better
CPE 4150: Software Engineering (5)
Prerequisite: CSC 3150. Covers topics in software engineering, including team programming, project planning and management, SDLC (software development life cycle) and software quality assurance. Course requirements include the design and implementation of a team software project.
Equivalents: CSC 4150
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Post-Baccalaureate, Senior students only.
Prerequisites: CSC 2431: D or better
AND CSC 3150: D or better
CPE 4151: Software Engineering I (3)
Prerequisite: CSC 3150, and (CSC 2431 or CSC 3221). Explores the technical processes and practice of software engineering. Lecture/discussion topics include the development process, project planning and management, measurement and metrics, and software quality assurance. In this first of a two-quarter team software development sequence, student teams will complete and present the requirements analysis and a prototype of a software system. A final grade will be awarded for this course upon completion of CSC/CPE 4152.
Equivalents: CSC 4151
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Information Systems Majors only. Post-Baccalaureate, Senior students only.
Prerequisites: CSC 3150: D or better
AND (CSC 2431: D or better
OR CSC 3410: D or better
OR CSC 3221: D or better)
CPE 4152: Software Engineering II (3)
Prerequisite: CSC/CPE 4151. This course is a completion of a two-quarter software development experience. Student teams will implement, test and deploy systems they began in CSC 4151. Class time will be primarily devoted to the application of software engineering principles to their project, technical reviews, and formal presentation of the completed system.
Equivalents: CSC 4152
Attributes: Upper-Division
Restrictions: Post-Baccalaureate, Senior students only.
Prerequisites: CSC 4151: D or better
OR CPE 4151: D or better
CPE 4211: Computer Engineering Senior Design I (3)
Prerequisites: EE/CPE 3280 and (EE/EGR 3730 or EGR 3810) and CSC 3150. Study of mixed digital and analog system design, including embedded software design. Student teams begin a system level design of a project (a nondisclosure agreement may be required). Students provide detailed schedules for building prototype systems and present periodic progress reports. During the course, students produce a technical specification, undergo several design reviews and design a printed circuit board for a prototype system. Extra fee.
Equivalents: EE 4211
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: (EE 3280: D or better
OR CPE 3280: D or better)
AND (EE 3730: D or better
OR EGR 3730: D or better
OR EGR 3810: D or better)
AND CSC 3150: D or better
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
CPE 4212: Computer Engineering Senior Design II (3)
Prerequisite: CPE/EE 4211. Continued study of mixed digital and analog system design, including embedded software design. Student teams continue to implement and refine the prototype hardware and software designs from EE/CPE 4211. Teams write detailed technical reports and submit their designs to design reviews. Periodic progress reports and team presentations are required. Extra fee.
Equivalents: EE 4212
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: (EE 4211: D or better
OR CPE 4211: D or better)
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
CPE 4350: Advanced Operating Systems (3)
Prerequisite: C- or higher in CSC 3350 or CPE 3350. Introduces the major functions of operating systems. Covers processes and concurrency; concurrent programming; resource allocation, contention and control; scheduling, memory management, and device management.
Equivalents: CSC 4350
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: (CSC 3350: C- or better
OR CPE 3350: C- or better)
CPE 4750: Computer Networks (5)
Prerequisites: CSC 3750 or CSC 3760, or CPE 3760 or EE 3760. Recommended: CSC 2431. Studies concepts and terminology of computer networks, equipment, and protocols.
Equivalents: CSC 4750
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: (CSC 3750: or better
OR CSC 3760: or better
OR EE 3760: or better
OR CPE 3760: or better)
CPE 4760: Advanced Computer Architecture (5)
Prerequisite: C- or higher in CSC 3750 or CSC 3760, or CPE 3760 or EE 3760. CSC 2431 recommended. Studies the architecture of multiprocessor, pipelined, and parallel computers. Emphasis is placed on principles of parallelism and the architecture of state-of-the-art supercomputers.
Equivalents: CSC 4760
Attributes: Upper-Division
Prerequisites: (CSC 3750: C- or better
OR CSC 3760: C- or better
OR EE 3760: C- or better
OR CPE 3760: C- or better)
CPE 4899: Computer Engineering Capstone and Senior Design (3)
Prerequisite: EE/CPE 4212. In this capstone course designs from EE 4212 are developed into a manufacturing prototype and tested. Covers testing methodology (hardware and software), board debugging and documentation methodology. Teams author detailed technical manuals. Periodic progress reports and final presentations are required. Includes study of vocation in engineering, writing reflective responses, and preparation of a multimedia portfolio of major projects students have finished. Extra fee.
Equivalents: EE 4899
Attributes: Upper-Division, Writing "W" Course
Prerequisites: (CPE 4212: D or better
OR EE 4212: D or better
OR EE 4201: D or better)
Engineering Materials Fee (refundable)
CPE 4900: Independent Study (1-5)
Independent Study
Attributes: Upper-Division