

CHN 1101: Elementary Mandarin Chinese I (5)


For students with no previous study of Chinese. Builds proficiency in the four basic skills: understanding, speaking, reading, and writing in the Mandarin Chinese language. Investigates Chinese culture and its relationship to the language.

Attributes: Foreign Language Comp

CHN 1102: Elementary Mandarin Chinese II (5)


Prerequisite: CHN 1101 or equivalent. Builds proficiency in the four basic skills: understanding, speaking, reading and writing in the Mandarin Chinese language. Investigates Chinese culture and its relationship to the language.

Attributes: Foreign Language Comp Prerequisites: CHN 1101: D or better

CHN 1103: Elementary Mandarin Chinese III (5)


Prerequisite: CHN 1102 or permission of instructor. Builds proficiency in the four basic skills: understanding, speaking, reading, and writing in the Mandarin Chinese language. Investigates Chinese culture and its relationship to the language.

Attributes: Foreign Language Comp Prerequisites: CHN 1102: D or better

CHN 2000: China Studies: Conversational Chinese (4)


Prerequisite: Acceptance into the China Studies Program. This course is designed to help students gain an appreciation for the richness of the spoken national language of China. After a brief survey of the historical development of Mandarin, emphasis is placed upon acquiring a basic facility in the dialect. Emphasis is on the spoken form. Chinese language background is not required. Students come to China with varying degrees of fluency in standard (Mandarin) Chinese, so CSP places students in the Chinese language class that corresponds to their level of proficiency.

Restrictions: Freshman, Non-Matriculated students are excluded.

CHN 2101: Intermediate Mandarin Chinese I (5)


CHN 1103 or equivalent (e.g. three years' high school study of Chinese). Reviews Chinese language structure; emphasizes progress toward communicative competence and growth in understanding and appreciating Chinese culture.

Prerequisites: CHN 1103: D or better

CHN 2102: Intermediate Mandarin Chinese II (5)


Prerequisite: CHN 2101 or equivalent. Reviews Chinese language structure; emphasizes progress toward communicative competance and growth in understanding and appreciating Chinese culture.

CHN 2103: Intermediate Mandarin Chinese III (5)


Prerequisite: CHN 2102 or equivalent. Reviews Chinese language structure; emphasizes progress toward communicative competence and growth in understanding and appreciating Chinese culture.

CHN 3000: China Studies: Chinese II (4-5)


Prerequisite: Acceptance into the CCCU China Studies Program. For a current description, please see bestsemester.com.

Attributes: Upper-Division