
2018–19 Season

Two ɬÀï·¬ acting out a play, both looking happy and dreamily towards something far away

The Theatre Department at ɬÀï·¬ Pacific has been producing stellar plays for more than a half-century. Typically, we offer an Autumn Quarter mainstage production, a Winter Quarter mainstage production, student-directed one-act plays, a Spring Quarter mainstage production, and a Spring Quarter studio production each year. We've been producing seasons of theatre since 1960, and the quality has never been better.

Autumn Quarter Mainstage

Love and Information
by Caryl Churchill

Directed by Candace Vance

November 8-10, 15-17, 2018 at 7:30 pm
November 17, 2018 matinee at 1:00 pm

Performed on the James Leon Chapman Stage

Winter Quarter Mainstage

Before the Eclipse
by Anton Chekhov, translated by Laurence Senelick

Directed by Andrew Ryder
Musical Direction by Mark Press

January 31, February 1-2, 7-9, 2019 at 7:30 pm
February 2, 2019 matinee at 1:00 pm

Performed on the James Leon Chapman Stage

Spring Quarter Mainstage

A Wrinkle in Time
by Madeleine L'Engle, adapted by Tracy Young

Directed by Charlotte M. Tiencken

April 25-27, May 2-4, 2019 at 7:30 pm
April 27 and May 4, 2019 matinees at 1:00 pm

Performed on the James Leon Chapman Stage

McKinley Backstage Theatre

by Jeanine Tesori and Brian Crawley

Directed by Jayne Hubbard
Musical Direction by Toni Ramientos

May 21-24, 2019 at 7:30 pm
May 25, 2019 matinee only at 1:00 pm

Performed in the McKinley Backstage Theatre

Past Theatre Productions

Many great shows are performed by SPU Theatre each year.

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Why Study Theatre?

Studying theatre, performing theatre, and otherwise engaging in the world and work of theatre will enrich your life and offer you many career and life opportunities.