
Mainstage Two (Winter Quarter)

Alfred Hitchcock's The 39 Steps

The 39 Steps

Adapted by Patrick Barlow

From the novel by John Buchan

From the movie of Alfred Hitchcock (Licensed by ITV Global Entertainment Limited)

And an original concept by Simon Corble and Noddy Dimon

Charles Hannay is back in London and bored with his life — until a trip to the theatre changes everything. Now caught up in a web of spies, murder, and mystery, Hannay must elude capture, clear his good name, and uncover the truth about the 39 Steps before it is too late!

Mix a Hitchcock masterpiece, a juicy spy novel, and a dash of Monty Python and you have Patrick Barlow’s wildly inventive comedy. A fast-paced whodunit for anyone who loves the magic of theatre!

February 2–4 & February 9–11

All shows at 7:30 p.m., with a matinee at 2:30 p.m. on February 4.


For the safety of all performers, staff, and our patrons, SPU Theatre will continue to require that all audience members wear masks when in the building during the 2022–23 season.


The 39 Steps is a light-hearted and fun comedy!

Audience members might appreciate this content warning:
Prop handguns, gunshot and machine gun sound effects, alcohol, murder, violence, falling from a bridge, police chases, smoke and smoking, master race ideology