
Mainstage One (Autumn Quarter)

Mrs. Packard

Mrs. Packard

By Emily Mann

Directed by Andrew Ryder

In 1860, without proof but within his legal right, Rev. Theophilus Packard had his wife, Elizabeth, committed to the Illinois Hospital for the Insane.

Imprisoned for three years, Elizabeth continued to battle her confinement and defend her sanity. Once free, Mrs. Packard devoted her life to improving the treatment of the mentally ill in America and defending the rights of married women.

Emily Mann’s gripping play is a back-and-forth journey between Elizabeth’s incarceration and the trial that sets her free.

Due to unforeseen circumstance, opening of Mrs. Packard has been delayed. It will now open on November 3rd.

October 27–29 & November 3–5

All shows at 7:30 p.m., with a matinee at 2:30 p.m. on November 5.


For the safety of all performers, staff, and our patrons, SPU Theatre will continue to require that all audience members wear masks when in the building during the 2022–23 season.

Content Warning:

• Suicide

• Instance of non-graphic sexual abuse

• Institutional abuse of power

• Torture

• Mental illness and involuntary commitment