
Theatre offers you tools to help you understand the world and your place in it. Good theatre — theatre that presents social issues fairly and in enlightening and engaging ways — also serves as a tool for culture to examine itself. Perhaps theatre’s highest function, though, is simply to delight the audience. Theatre is one of the most important and fruitful means we have for opening meaningful contact with others and making a difference in the world.

The Many Benefits of the Study of Theatre

Studying theatre, performing theatre, and otherwise engaging in the world and work of theatre offer you many benefits.

  • You learn to value the art of creative teamwork.
  • You learn to build and develop character and interpersonal communication skills.
  • You learn how to think creatively.
  • You learn self-direction and commitment.
  • You discover the immense satisfaction of a challenging, many-faceted job well done.

The heart of theatre art is the creation of compelling experiences that engage our intellects and challenge both creators and audiences with the situations and feelings of other human beings. One of theatre’s goals is to awaken our capacity to create alternative representations and interpretations of life’s situations. This allows us to extract ethical and theological lessons that will help clarify and strengthen our faith.

As career preparation, the study of theatre offers you great challenges and meaningful rewards. Your participation in this wonderful human endeavor is one that can change your life and change the world.

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“Theatre’s roots lie in religion, community, celebration, myth making, and delight. Its sociological and philosophical complexity is overwhelming. As a human study it is eminently worthy of academic focus.”
James Chapman
1937–2002, SPU Theatre
Department Founder