
Spring 2014 Mainstage: Hedda Gabler

ɬ﷬ the Play

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One of the most intriguing, perplexing, and complex characters of the modern stage, Hedda craves freedom, finds herself trapped, and responds in surprising ways. Jon Robin Baitz’s adaptation has been called “a Hedda Gabler for the 21st century” that reveals “a more universal tragedy about all ɬ﷬,” while still emphasizing the feminist message that so confounded Ibsen’s first audiences.

According to the back cover of the play, Ibsen’s most beguiling antiheroine is given a new twist in Jon Robin Baitz’s acclaimed adaptation of Hedda Gabler. She’s no longer the chilly, inscrutable manipulator but a woman with, as The New York Times put it, ‘a context and a persuasive raison d’être.’ Ibsen’s classic play here emerges with renewed vitality and newfound dramatic resonance.

More about Hedda Gabler (PDF)

ɬ﷬ This Production

Performance Dates and Times
April 24–26; May 1–3, 2014, 7:30 p.m.
May 3, 2 p.m. Matinee

E.E. Bach Theatre in , SPU Campus

Andrew Ryder

Scenery Designer
Don Yanik

Costume Designer
Sarah Mosher

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