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Summer 2004 | Volume 26, Number 7

Embryo Ethics
At the heart of the controversy surrounding cloning and stem cell research is the question of the moral status of a human embryo. In a special feature, Response includes three perspectives on the use of embryonic stem cells, particularly in regenerative medicine. Among these are an adaptation of a lecture by theologian Ted Peters and responses by two SPU faculty members.
  Is Our DNA Sacred?
  Clarifying Christian Concerns

Science and Beneficence

R&D for Undergraduates
From the possible regeneration of human neurons to lasers that measure spatial dimensions at the click of a button, SPU’s second-annual Erickson Undergraduate Research Conference showcased the brightest student scientists and their potentially world-changing projects.

What Will Their Stories Be?
Members of the largest-ever SPU graduating class celebrated their achievements in Seahawks Stadium on June 12. Commencement speaker Mark Abbott asked the new graduates to reflect on their personal stories and how those stories will relate to God’s story.

Coaching Hoops
Both Chad Forcier ’95 and Ritchie McKay ’87 have turned their love for basketball into successful careers. But the two coaches have more in common than a game. They are both living out their faith in the fast-paced, high-stakes world of professional and college athletics.

Mr. Gioia Goes to Washington
Can a poet lead, even turn around, an often-controversial government agency? It would seem so, if you’re Dana Gioia. The chair of the National Endowment for the Arts speaks with Response about the challenges of his job and the hope he has for the future of art in America.
  A Conversation With Dana Gioia

Copyright © 2004 General Information: (206) 281-2000

From the President
As ɬÀï·¬ gains notice nationwide, President Philip Eaton challenges the community. “Build your city on a hill so everyone can see what you are doing,” he writes. “Build a reputation.”

Equipped for Success
An endowment helped 2003 graduate Vickerie Williams gain the confidence to become a key employee with Philips Medical Systems. [Campaign]

Honor Roles
A President’s Chapel in May honored five faculty and staff members for their individual excellence. [Campus]

Three Faculty Say Good-Bye
As they retire, three professors mark the completion of their remarkable careers at ɬÀï·¬ and beyond. [Faculty]

The 2004 Medallion Awards
Alumni awards spotlight 10 ɬÀï·¬ Pacific graduates who have engaged the culture in various ways. [Alumni]

Attack of the Big-Screen Clones
Response reviews some of Hollywood’s film portrayals of cloning and related topics. See which ones may be worth your time watching. [Books & Film]

The Heritage Mile
Before her hip-replacement surgery, Doris Heritage and 200 of her students and friends ran a final mile together — and raised money for the Heritage Scholarship Endowment. [Athletics]

My Response
Debra Prinzing, 1981 SPU alumna, helps readers find God in their gardens. “… I think the pursuit of beauty in the garden is a pursuit to know God better,” she says.