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Summer 2004 | Volume 26, Number 7 | Faculty

Three Faculty Say Good-Bye
As they retire, three professors — Evette Hackman, Leo Mármol and Marilyn Severson — mark the completion of their remarkable careers at ɬÀï·¬ and beyond.

Tripps Leads "Athletes for a Better World"

From the President
As ɬÀï·¬ Pacific University gains notice nationwide, President Philip Eaton challenges the community. “Build your city on a hill so everyone can see what you are doing,” he writes. “Build a reputation.”

Honor Roles
A President’s Chapel in May honored five faculty and staff members for their individual excellence. [Campus]

The 2004 Medallion Awards
Alumni awards spotlight 10 ɬÀï·¬ Pacific graduates who have engaged the culture in various ways. [Alumni]

Attack of the Big-Screen Clones
Response reviews some of Hollywood’s film portrayals of cloning and related topics. See which ones may be worth your time watching. [Books & Film]

The Heritage Mile
Before her hip-replacement surgery, Doris Heritage and 200 of her students and friends ran a final mile together — and raised money for the Heritage Scholarship Endowment. [Athletics]

My Response
Debra Prinzing, 1981 SPU alumna, helps readers find God in their gardens. “… I think the pursuit of beauty in the garden is a pursuit to know God better,” she says.