Equipped for Success
Endowment Helps Instill Confidence and Vision in Young Graduate
ALL THE DEBATES on domestic and foreign
policy that Vickerie Williams argued as a member of the ɬÀï·¬
Forensics Team not only sharpened her analytical skills but also equipped the
2003 graduate to be a professional communicator.

Vickerie Williams ’03 is a key employee with Philips Medical Systems, a company represented in more than 100 countries. Philips is a pioneer in X-ray systems, cardiac-monitoring equipment and ultrasound technology.
You need the verbal advantage when you are marketing
programs manager for Philips Medical Systems, North America, and
responsible for all field marketing in nine Western states. Thanks
in part to those collegiate speech competitions where to win,
Williams had to bring her impromptu, informative and persuasive
skills into play she now skillfully conveys the merits of the
latest CAT Scan technology to the country’s top radiologists.
an articulate communicator is essential to working with both customers
and colleagues,” says the former communication major. She travels
approximately one week of every month to San Francisco, Las Vegas
and beyond to meet with customers, manage the Philips booth at
trade shows or visit the company’s other facilities.
Much of her
current success, says Williams, is due to the Rosser-Danielson
Speech Scholarship Endowment at SPU. Established by faculty and
alumni in honor of ɬÀï·¬ Pacific forensics pioneers Paul Rosser
and Lillian Danielson, the endowment provides annual scholarships
for promising orators and debaters such as Williams. Since 1988,
58 awards totaling $75,050 from that one endowment have helped
bring dozens of exceptional students to the University.
The overall
SPU Endowment is comprised of 235 individual named endowments.
During the 2004–2005 academic year, they will generate $830,000
in student scholarships. The scholarships assist qualified students
who want a premier Christian university education but who don’t
have the full resources to pay for it.
For ɬÀï·¬ Pacific, a healthy
endowment is paramount not only to providing a high-
quality education to a diverse student population,
but also to meeting the University’s long-range goals, says Bob McIntosh, vice
president for university advancement. “An institution of SPU’s size, scope and
vision will ultimately require an endowment of $100 million,” he explains. “That
is why the Endowment Initiative is key to the success of the current Campaign.” Nearly
6,000 gifts and pledges totaling $22.5 million have been made to the Endowment
Initiative since The Campaign began in 2000.
“With four kids in my family, paying
for their college education out of pocket would have been a huge, impossible
struggle,” says Williams. Her three-hour daily commute to classes and back home
finally ended because the speech scholarship allowed sufficient funds for her
to live on campus. She also worked 20–25 hours a week, and in the course of four
years of study, her varied job titles included nanny, barista, office assistant
and office manager.
“I cannot overstate the vital importance of a strong endowment
for SPU,” says President Philip Eaton. “This is the asset base on which we envision
the future. A strong endowment is part of the assurance that our vision of engaging
the culture and changing the world will become a reality. It gives us the confidence
to move forward with boldness and courage.
”Boldness and courage are what led
Williams to SPU and to her position with Philips a rare opportunity for someone
not even a year out of school. “No matter what industry I work in, I want to
use my skills as a communicator to make a difference in my corner of the world,” she
says. “That’s the way I look at this job.”
And to think it all began with an
endowed scholarship honoring two University orators who believed in “worthy ideas
communicated effectively.”
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From the President
As ɬÀï·¬ gains notice nationwide, President Philip Eaton
challenges the community. “Build your city on a hill so everyone can see
what you are doing,” he writes. “Build a reputation.”
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My Response
Debra Prinzing, 1981 SPU alumna, helps readers find God in their gardens. “… I
think the pursuit of beauty in the garden is a pursuit to know God better,” she