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Response Spring 2010

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The Real Transformers

The Real Transformers
Spring 2010 | Volume 33, Number 1 | Alumni

Website Visitors Counted Toward Scholarship Gift

Honor Roll of Donors Goes Online

Thousands of donors are behind ɬÀï·¬’s ability to provide student scholarships and strong academic programs. These donors are being thanked for their gifts in SPU’s new online , which recognizes those who gave to the University during the 2008–09 academic year.


The online Honor Roll provides interactive features, including a video filmed during Ivy Cutting, SPU’s signature event for graduating seniors. A search bar helps donors find their names quickly and easily. Brief stories also highlight individual donors and giving groups.

Among the donor stories is that of Stacy Cleveland ’97, director of the Women’s and Children’s Shelter program for ɬÀï·¬’s Union Gospel Mission (Cleveland was featured in the article “” in the Summer 2009 issue of Response). Knowing that almost nine out of every 10 SPU students receive some form of financial aid, Cleveland gives to the Annual Fund, which provides money for student scholarships.

“I know my gift to scholarships, combined with those of others, will make a difference in student lives — I can vouch for that,” says Cleveland.

When the Honor Roll of Donors website was launched in November 2009, an anonymous donor gave $1 on behalf of each visitor to the website. This initiative, which is now complete, provided a $1,670 gift toward student scholarships, in addition to the gifts of the Honor Roll donors.

The new Honor Roll is viewable at .

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Department Highlights

2010 Alumnus of the Year
Farmer-philosopher Del Wisdom ’63 has a grace for growing things.

Young Alum of the Year Uses Business Expertise
Bryan Papé ’07 helps a startup become something big.

Website Visitors Help Grow Scholarship Gift
The Honor Roll of Donors goes online with extras.

Decades of Fellowship, Service, and Support
Sigma Rho supports students with scholarships and maintain a unique community.

Helping Haitians
SPU alumni were in Haiti when the earthquake hit; they now assist recovery.

Falcons Return
The 2010 Homecoming and Family Weekend was a high-energy gathering for alumni and families.