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Response Spring 2010

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The Real Transformers

The Real Transformers
Spring 2010 | Volume 33, Number 1

A Leader in His Time — and for All Time

A Leader in His Time — and for All Time
Ronald C. White Jr. In an interview with Response, author Ronald C. White Jr. discusses the legendary leadership of the farmer’s son who became America’s greatest president: Abraham Lincoln.

A. Lincoln: A Biography
Join SPU in Reading A. Lincoln
Words of Healing for a Divided Nation: Yesterday and Today

Making History: Catalysts for Change
Nelson MandelaWhat makes a leader “transformational”? Profiles of seven 20- and 21st-century leaders explore how they inspired change in their followers and what they taught us about leadership.

Winston Churchill
Rosa Parks
Martin Luther King Jr.
Mother Teresa
Oprah Winfrey
Steve Jobs
Nelson Mandela

Lessons From a Prodigal Father
Lessons From a Prodigal Father Leaders often begin with a painful transformation of their own lives, writes Professor Margaret Diddams. She and her colleagues teach leadership in the only industrial/organizational psychology program at a Christian university in the U.S.

Tools for Leaders
Readings on Leadership

Teach a Girl, Teach a Community
Teach a Girl, Teach a Community Three Cups of Tea and Stones Into Schools author Greg Mortenson visited SPU to talk about building schools and promoting peace in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Can a Rock Band Change the World?
U2 Musician Bono and his band U2 challenge their listeners to see the poor and oppressed through Jesus’ eyes. Jeff Keuss, associate professor of Christian ministry, examines U2’s legacy of leadership.

Teaching as a Subversive Activity
Teaching as a Subversive Activity“What magic is it that allows teachers to converse with, rather than talk at, our students?” Professor of English Luke Reinsma reflects on teaching well.

The Magic of a Great Teacher

Life Empowered
Life EmpoweredFour recent grads plug into their future by attending medical school, filming in eight African countries, and tutoring youth in urban Philadelphia.

Learning Patient Care at the Mayo Medical School
Loving Inner-City Kids in Philadelphia
Filming Images of Hope in Africa