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Response Spring 2010

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The Real Transformers

The Real Transformers
Spring 2010 | Volume 33, Number 1 | Alumni

Falcons Return to Campus

Photo Gallery From 2010

At ɬÀï·¬’s Homecoming and Family Weekend, January 28–30, graduates spanning the past 50 years, along with current students and their families, gathered for a high-energy celebration. With the theme “The Place Where World Change Begins,” the 2010 event was a time for alumni to return to the campus where they found inspiration and direction for their lives.

Traditional events such as class reunions and Homecoming Chapel combined with new events, including the first-ever student-led Homecoming Dance, to provide a full slate of activities for visitors. “It was a wonderful time of reflecting on longtime friendships and the future of this great University,” said SPU President Philip Eaton, who hosted his annual President’s Luncheon for alumni and families.

Photos by Dan Sheehan and Luke Rutan

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Department Highlights

2010 Alumnus of the Year
Farmer-philosopher Del Wisdom ’63 has a grace for growing things.

Young Alum of the Year Uses Business Expertise
Bryan Papé ’07 helps a startup become something big.

Website Visitors Help Grow Scholarship Gift
The Honor Roll of Donors goes online with extras.

Decades of Fellowship, Service, and Support
Sigma Rho supports students with scholarships and maintain a unique community.

Helping Haitians
SPU alumni were in Haiti when the earthquake hit; they now assist recovery.

Falcons Return
The 2010 Homecoming and Family Weekend was a high-energy gathering for alumni and families.