Foundations Quarter
The following Foundations prerequisites apply to EDU 2300. It is recommended that students take EDU 2100 concurrently with EDU 2300 whenever possible.
Foundations prerequisites include:
- Official admission to SPU.
- Sophomore standing (45 credits).
- Minimum cumulative 2.8 GPA or 3.0 GPA in last 30 credits or higher.
- Completed paperwork to start a School of Education file (contact the education office to obtain paperwork).
- Registered for EDU 2100 in the same quarter as EDU 2300 or you must have completed EDU 2100.
- “Foundations” appointment with the certification advisor completed or scheduled and confirmed.
- Post-baccalaureate students only: Passing scores on the Washington state basic skills test (WEST-B), Washington state educators’ endorsement test (WEST-E/NES), and transcript evaluation by the School of Education.
Students will be required to make a Foundations advising appointment with the Certification Advisor the quarter they take EDU 2300.
Methods and Skills courses
These courses may be taken independently of each other and the professional quarters. Courses must be completed prior to Methods Quarter. See the School of Education for more details.
You must receive a minimum GPA of 2.0 (鈥淐鈥) or better in all methods and skills courses to be recommended for certification.
Methods Quarter
Methods Quarter is offered only Autumn Quarter. A minimum GPA of 2.0 (“C”) is required in all methods courses. If Secondary Certification students must take a methodology course for each endorsement area being earned.
Methods prerequisites include:
- Successful completion of the Foundations Quarter with a 3.0 (“B”) average and no grade lower than a 2.0 (“C”).
- Senior standing (135 credits).
- Accepted into major.
- Applied to the Residency Teacher Certification program and admitted to the School of Education.
- Minimum Cumulative 3.0 GPA or 3.3 GPA in the last 45 credits.
- Submit two letters of recommendation for review.
- Successful completion of all Core Courses in the Integrated Studies major.
- Receive a favorable recommendation from SPU faculty and staff.
- Pass ENG 3301 or SPU writing requirement with a minimum GPA 2.0 ( “C”).
- Pass EDU 4530 with a minimum GPA 2.0 ( “C”).
- Fingerprint and pre-residency clearance completed.
- Official passing scores on the testing requirement for teachers or official SAT/ACT scores meeting the minimum requirement for reading, writing, and mathematics.
- Take the appropriate for each endorsement being earned. Tests must be passed prior to September 1.
Integrated and Internship quarters
Students must take Integrated and Internship quarters sequentially in the same academic year (Winter-Spring). A minimum 3.0 GPA (“B”) is required for Secondary Internships A and B.
Integrated and Internship prerequisites include:
- Successful completion of the Methods Quarter with no grade lower than a 2.0 (“C”). EDU 3106 must be passed with a grade of 3.0 ("B") or higher.
- Completion of 15 upper-division credits in your major.
- Maintaining a 3.0 cumulative GPA or 3.3 in the last 45 credits throughout both quarters.
- Official passing score(s) on the appropriate
- SPU should have official passing scores by September 1 for placement purposes.
- Completion of EDU 3942.
- Continued clearance of fingerprints in the OSPI database. Fingerprints must be cleared through the entire duration of your internship.
Additional Endorsement
Students who would like to receive multiple endorsements are required to complete coursework, WEST-E/NES exams, and placement in all endorsement areas. Additional endorsements should be closely related to their primary endorsement. Because additional content coursework is required in addition to certification, major, and university requirements please contact the School of Education Certification Advisor as soon as possible. You will be provided a list of required content coursework for the endorsement that must be completed prior to your student teaching.
The following are the most common endorsement
- History and Social Studies
- History and/or Social Studies and English Language Arts
- English Language Arts and Theatre
- Biology and Chemistry
- Chemistry and Physics
- Physics and Math
- Elementary and Middle Level Math (Integrated Studies: Math Concentration only)
- Elementary and Middle Level Science (Integrated Studies: Science Concentration only)
- Special Education and Elementary
Education (Please refer to Special Education Page)
- Special Education and English Language
Arts (Please refer to Special Education page)
Other endorsement combinations can be considered on a case
by case basis.
For questions about additional endorsements please contact
the certification advisor.